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Engineering Modified with Biology

Students interested in biotechnology, engineering, and biology may elect an engineering sciences major modified with biology. Students who plan to pursue additional coursework beyond the AB to earn the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) should consult early with their faculty advisors to plan their program of study.


Modified majors are expected to have a basic understanding of calculus, physics, chemistry, and computer science. First-year students interested in the major should take the placement test in mathematics.

Unless otherwise prohibited, prerequisites may be taken under the non-recording option. Any course being used to satisfy major or minor requirements beyond the prerequisites, may not be taken under the non-recording option.



3 courses

MATH 3: Calculus
MATH 8: Calculus of Functions of One and Several Variables
MATH 13: Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions


2 courses

PHYS 13: Introductory Physics I
PHYS 14: Introductory Physics II


1 course

Students will be placed in one of the following:

CHEM 5: General Chemistry
CHEM 10: First-Year Honors Chemistry
CHEM 11: General Chemistry

Computer Science

1 or 2 courses

Choose one option:

Option 1 (1 course):
ENGS 20: Introduction to Scientific Computing (May not be taken under the non-recording option.)

Option 2 (2 courses):
COSC 1: Introduction to Programming and Computation
COSC 10: Problem Solving via Object-Oriented Programming


1 course

BIOL 12: Cell Structure and Function

* Students with prior experience in calculus (as demonstrated through AP, IB, A-level, or placement exams) may place out of MATH 3 and/or Math 8, and may be required instead to take the MATH 8 and 13 sequence, or MATH 11.

** Students with no prior experience in chemistry will be placed in CHEM 5. Students with prior experience with chemistry (as demonstrated through AP, IB, A-level exams) automatically receive credit for CHEM 5. Students who place into CHEM 11 via placement exam must complete CHEM 11 towards the prerequisite requirements, as they only receive credit for CHEM 5 after successfully completing CHEM 11.

Required Courses


Engineering Core

3 courses

ENGS 22: Systems
ENGS 25: Introduction to Thermodynamics
ENGS 35: Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering

Engineering Electives

3 courses

Choose three courses, from the following:

ENGS 21: Introduction to Engineering (Should be taken sophomore year.)
ENGS 23: Distributed Systems and Fields
ENGS 24: Science of Materials
ENGS 26: Control Theory
ENGS 33: Solid Mechanics
ENGS 34: Fluid Mechanics
ENGS 36: Chemical Engineering
ENGS 37: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
ENGS 52: Introduction to Operations Research
ENGS 56: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
ENGS 58: Introduction to Protein Engineering
ENGS 91: Numerical Methods in Computation
ENGS 161: Metabolic Engineering
ENGS 162: Basic Biological Circuit Engineering
ENGS 165: Biomaterials

Biology Core

1 course

BIOL 13: Gene Expression and Inheritance

Biology or Chemistry Electives

3 courses

Choose three courses, from the following:

BIOL 37: Endocrinology
BIOL 42: Biology of the Immune Response
BIOL 43: Developmental Biology
BIOL 45: Molecular Biology
BIOL 46: Microbiology
BIOL 71: Current Topics in Cell Biology
CHEM 51: Organic Chemistry or CHEM 57: Honors Organic Chemistry

Culminating Experience

In addition to coursework, all engineering sciences majors and modified majors are required to complete a culminating experience, which may include a thesis, a design project, or an advanced engineering sciences course with a significant design or research project, chosen from an approved list. Normally taken during the senior year, the course is chosen from the following options below, and for modified majors, must be justified as part of a larger unified coherent program of study.



1 course

Choose one course, from the following:

ENGS 86: Independent Project
ENGS 88: Honors Thesis

Design Project

2 courses

ENGS 89: Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation (Must be taken as part of the two-course design sequence: ENGS 89/ENGS 90.)

  • Prior to enrollment in ENGS 89, at least 6 engineering sciences courses must be completed: ENGS 21 plus 5 additional courses numbered 22 to 76, and 91 and above.
  • Students seeking to complete the AB and BE degrees concurrently should note that ENGS 89 may also be counted toward requirements for the BE program.

Advanced Course

1 course

Choose one advanced course with a significant design or research project, normally taken in the senior year. Students should consult the approved list of Advanced Courses under the Engineering Sciences major or with the Chair of the Department of Engineering Sciences.

Course Planning

For additional information about majors, courses, and degree requirements, see:

Guide to Programs and Courses

Questions? For course planning questions within the specific discipline, please contact Professor Lee R. Lynd.

For general requirement or advising questions, please contact