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Spring 2024 Copy link to Spring 2024
Technology and Biosecurity
Time: 2A
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Kendall L. Hoyt
CRN: 30856
Textbooks for:
Technology and Biosecurity
Long Shot; Vaccines for National Defense, Kendall Hoyt, Harvard University Press, 2012, ISBN 0674061586.
Textbooks for:
ENGS 7.02
Climate Change
Everyday Technology
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Scott C. Davis
CRN: 31082
Textbooks for:
Everyday Technology
How Things Work; The Physics of Everyday Life, Bloomfield, Wiley, 4th Edition, 0470223995, Paperback.
The Way Things Work - A Visual Introduction to Engineering
Time: 2A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: David A. Macaulay
CRN: 30922
Textbooks for:
The Way Things Work - A Visual Introduction to Engineering
No Textbook Required.
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Time: Arrange
Location: Individualized Study
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 31097
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Senior Design Challenge II
Time: 3B
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Eugene Korsunskiy
CRN: 31103
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.02
Senior Design Challenge II
No Textbook Required
Computing Before Electronics
Time: 10A
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Harold J. Frost
CRN: 30911
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.04
Computing Before Electronics
Blockchain Explored: Promise, Pitfalls & Plumbing
Time: 10A
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Oliver Goodenough
CRN: 30866
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.05
Blockchain Explored: Promise, Pitfalls & Plumbing
Imran Bashir, Mastering Blockchain: A deep dive into distributed ledgers, consensus protocols, smart contracts, DApps, cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, and more, 3rd Edition. Packt Publishing (2020), ISBN-10 : 1839213191, ISBN-13 : 978-1839213199
Technology Entrepreneurship
Time: 2A
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Preston Staats
CRN: 30839
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.06
Technology Entrepreneurship
Packet of Cases and Notes from Harvard Business School Publishing accessible online
· Distributed by the instructor in class and online
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.09
Design Ethics
Future of Energy Systems
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Steven O. Peterson
CRN: 31106
Textbooks for:
ENGS 19.01
Future of Energy Systems
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time: 11
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Helene Seroussi
CRN: 31124
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Scientific Computing
A First Book of ANSI C, 4th Edition, Bronson, Brooks/Cole, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-1418835569.
Matlab, Fifth Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 5th Edition ISBN-13: 978-0128154793, Elsevier Science &Technology.
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time: 12
Location: ECSC 116
Instructor: Helene Seroussi
CRN: 31136
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Scientific Computing
A First Book of ANSI C, 4th Edition, Bronson, Brooks/Cole, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-1418835569.
Matlab, Fifth Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 5th Edition ISBN-13: 978-0128154793, Elsevier Science &Technology.
Introduction to Engineering
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 116
Instructor: Elizabeth Murnane
CRN: 31138
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Engineering
No Textbook Required
Introduction to Engineering
Time: 2
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Vicki V. May
CRN: 30793
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Engineering
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Optional: System Dynamics, William J. Palm, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073398068
Distributed Systems and Fields
Time: 9L
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Mattias W. Fitzpatrick
CRN: 31158
Textbooks for:
Distributed Systems and Fields
1. Engineering Field Theory, Österberg and Hansen, 2014 - will be distributed in Class.
2. Div, Grad, Curl and All That: An Informal Text on Vector Calculus, H. Schey, 4th Edition, Norton, 1996,
ISBN 0393925161.
Science of Materials
Time: 10
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Erland M. Schulson
CRN: 31164
Textbooks for:
Science of Materials
Optional: Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, James F. Shackelford, 5th Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-13-011287-9.
Optional: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, William D. Callister, 7th Edition, Wiley 2006.
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Time: 11
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Tucker E Burgin
CRN: 31175
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics; Michael Moran and Howard Shapiro, John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition. ISBN-13: 978-1118412930.
Inform students that the Instructor only uses Chapters 1-10 and the tables in the back. It may be possible to purchase by chapter, more information can be found at the following url:
Control Theory
Time: 9L
Location: ECSC 116
Instructor: Laura E. Ray
CRN: 31195
Textbooks for:
Control Theory
Modern Control Engineering; Ogata, Prentice-Hall, 5th Edition, 2010, ISBN-10: 0136156738.
Textbooks for:
Embedded Systems
Computer-Aided Design & Kinematics
Time: 9L
Location: MacLean 210
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
CRN: 30902
Textbooks for:
Computer-Aided Design & Kinematics
SOLIDWORKS 2023 and Engineering Graphics: An Integrated Approach by Randy H. Shih 728 Pages ISBN: 978-1-63057-554-0
Price $70 print, $40 ebook
Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms: A Project Based Approach by J. Michael McCarthy 175 pages ISBN: 978-0978518059
Price: $30 print, $15 ebook
Digital Electronics
Time: 12
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Geoffrey P. Luke
CRN: 31045
Textbooks for:
Digital Electronics
Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL by Brock J. Lameres, ISBN-13: 978-3319341941.
Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
Time: 10
Location: ECSC 116
Instructor: Jason T. Stauth
CRN: 31202
Textbooks for:
Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
Optional: Electronics by Allan R. Hambley, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2000, ISBN# 0-13-691982-0.
Optional: Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016, ISBN-10 1259587541.
Textbooks for:
Fluid Mechanics
No Textbook Required
Sustainable Design
Time: 10A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Karolina Kawiaka
CRN: 31217
Textbooks for:
Sustainable Design
Recommended, NOT Required: Heating, Cooling, Lighting by N. Lechner, 4th edition, Wiley, 2015 (ISBN 978-1-118-58242-8).
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Time: 2
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: P. Jack Hoopes
CRN: 31228
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
No Textbook Required
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
Time: 10
Location: ECSC B01
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
CRN: 31236
Textbooks for:
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
No Textbook Required
Structural Analysis
Time: 10
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Vicki V. May
CRN: 31240
Textbooks for:
Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis, Russell C. Hibeler, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0134610672.
Product Design
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC 005
Instructor: Charles Hackett
CRN: 32449
Textbooks for:
Product Design
Product Design and Development, 7th Edition (2020), Ulrich, Eppinger, and Yang.
Textbooks for:
Reading Course
Introduction to Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Time: 11
Location: ECSC B01
Instructor: Geoffroy T. F. Hautier
CRN: 31469
Textbooks for:
ENGS 85.09
Introduction to Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Electric Energy
Time: 12
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Charles R. Sullivan
CRN: 31629
Textbooks for:
ENGS 85.12
Electric Energy
The Principles of Electronic and Electromechanic Power Conversion: A Systems Approach, by Braham Ferreira, Wim van der Merwe, 2013.
Available in print and as an ebook. Ebook $88; hardcover $93.
Textbooks for:
Independent Project
Undergraduate Investigations
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 31557
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations
Textbooks for:
Honors Thesis
Signal Processing
Time: 10
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Kelly C Seals
CRN: 30609
Textbooks for:
ENGS 110
Signal Processing
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Oppenheimer and Schafer, Prentice-Hall,1999, 3rd Edition, ISBN 0131988425
Digital Image Processing
Time: 9L
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Xiaoyao Fan
CRN: 30610
Textbooks for:
ENGS 111
Digital Image Processing
No Textbook Required
Image Visualization and Analysis
Time: 6B
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Michael Jermyn
CRN: 30611
Textbooks for:
ENGG 113
Image Visualization and Analysis
No Textbook Required
Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Time: 2A
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Kofi M. Odame
CRN: 30612
Textbooks for:
ENGS 126
Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Johns and Martin, Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, ISBN 047114448
Advanced Digital System Design
Time: 2
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Kendall R Farnham
CRN: 30613
Textbooks for:
ENGS 128
Advanced Digital System Design
Methods of Materials Characterization
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC B45
Instructor: Ian Baker
CRN: 30614
Textbooks for:
ENGS 133
Methods of Materials Characterization
Transmission Electron Microscopy, Williams and Carter, Plenum Press, NY, 030645324X (paperback). 030645324 (hardcover).
Elements of X-ray Diffraction by B.D. Cullity and S.R. Stock, Addison-Wesley, 0201610914.
Thin Films and Microfabrication Technology
Time: 12
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Hui Fang
CRN: 30615
Textbooks for:
ENGS 135
Thin Films and Microfabrication Technology
The Materials Science of Thin Films, Ohring; Academic Press, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0125249756. Amazon - $101.81
Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd Edition, Sami Franssila, 978-0-470-74983-8 534pp Hardcover, September 2010
Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Time: 3A
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Weiyang Li
CRN: 30616
Textbooks for:
ENGS 138
Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, Jones; Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0133599930
Optional: Introduction to corrosion science by McCafferty, Edward, Springer, 2010, ISBN-10: 1441904549
Polar Science & Engineering: Solidification, Sea Ice, Strength & Fracture of Ice
Time: Canceled
Instructor: Erland M. Schulson
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
ENGS 139.10
Polar Science & Engineering: Solidification, Sea Ice, Strength & Fracture of Ice
Engineering Simulation for Mechanical Design and Analysis
Time: 10A
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Eric S. Bish
CRN: 31843
Textbooks for:
ENGS 144
Engineering Simulation for Mechanical Design and Analysis
(Optional) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method (2nd Ed) by H. Versteeg, W. Malalasekera, Pearson, 2007.
Textbooks for:
ENGS 147
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Time: 2A
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Benoit Cushman-Roisin
CRN: 30619
Textbooks for:
ENGS 151
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
No Textbook Required
Intermediate Thermodynamics
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Ronald C. Lasky
CRN: 30620
Textbooks for:
ENGS 155
Intermediate Thermodynamics
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics; Michael Moran and Howard Shapiro, John Wiley & Sons, 7th Edition, ISBN 978-0470495902.
Please Note: Earlier editions of this book are ok.
Chemical Kinetics and Reactors
Time: 2
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Xin Qi
CRN: 30621
Textbooks for:
ENGS 158
Chemical Kinetics and Reactors
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, H. Scott Fogler, Prentice Hall, 2016, 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 9780133887518
Molecular Sensors & Nanodevices in Biomedical Engineering
Time: 11
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: John Zhang
CRN: 30622
Textbooks for:
ENGS 159
Molecular Sensors & Nanodevices in Biomedical Engineering
Molecular Sensors and Nanodevices: Principles, Designs and Applications in Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0128148624
Time: 9L
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Alex Boys
CRN: 30623
Textbooks for:
ENGS 165
Biomaterials Science, An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Ratner, Hoffman, Schoen, and Lemons, 3rd Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2012, ISBN-10: 0123746264. Not mandatory, but strongly recommended.
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
Time: 10
Location: ECSC B01
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
CRN: 30624
Textbooks for:
ENGS 169
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
No Textbook Required.
Climate Change and Engineering
Time: 11
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Klaus Keller
CRN: 30625
Textbooks for:
ENGS 172
Climate Change and Engineering
Introduction to Modern Climate Change, Andrew Dessler, 2016, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-09682-0.
Techno-economic Analysis in a Developing Country Context
Time: 9S
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Mark S. Laser
CRN: 30626
Textbooks for:
ENGS 172.20
Techno-economic Analysis in a Developing Country Context
Energy Systems
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Steven O. Peterson
CRN: 30627
Textbooks for:
ENGS 175
Energy Systems
Bradford, T, 2018. The Energy system: technology, economics, markets, and policy. MIT Press.
Decision-Making under Uncertainty
Time: 3A
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Wesley Marrero
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
ENGS 177
Decision-Making under Uncertainty
Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Theory and Application, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, 2015.
Accounting and Finance
Time: M/T 8:30 - 10:00am
Instructor: Felipe Severino
Instructor: Joseph Gerakos
Instructor: Joseph Gerakos
CRN: 30628
Textbooks for:
ENGM 180
Accounting and Finance
Optional: Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe, Corporate Finance, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill, Irvin
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Thayer Faculty
CRN: 31850
Textbooks for:
ENGG 192
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Textbooks for:
ENGG 194
PhD Oral Qualifier
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
Time: F 3:30-4:30 PM
Location: Cummings 100
Instructor: Thayer Faculty
CRN: 30630
Textbooks for:
ENGG 195
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
Flexible Electronics-Matl Dsgn for Energy, Sensing, and Display
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 041
Instructor: William J. Scheideler
CRN: 32510
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.06
Flexible Electronics-Matl Dsgn for Energy, Sensing, and Display
No textbook required
Master of Engineering Design Project Completion
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC 041
Instructor: David B. Kynor
CRN: 30632
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.11
Master of Engineering Design Project Completion
No Textbook Required
Data Analytics Project Lab
Time: M/T 1:30 - 3:00pm
Instructor: Geoffrey G. Parker
Instructor: Sam Raymond
Instructor: Sam Raymond
CRN: 30633
Textbooks for:
ENGM 204
Data Analytics Project Lab
Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations II
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
CRN: 30634
Textbooks for:
ENGS 205
Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations II
Fatigue and Fracture
Time: M/W 12:50 - 2:40pm
Location: Cummings 102
Instructor: Yan Li
CRN: 30635
Textbooks for:
ENGG 230
Fatigue and Fracture
Advances in Biotechnology
Time: T 8:30-10:00 AM
Location: ECSC B01
Instructor: Margaret E. Ackerman
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
ENGG 260
Advances in Biotechnology
Advanced Biological Circuit Engineering
Time: 2
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Rahul Sarpeshkar
CRN: 30637
Textbooks for:
ENGS 262
Advanced Biological Circuit Engineering
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Jonathan T. Elliott
CRN: 30638
Textbooks for:
ENGG 269
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGG 295
Supervised Undergraduate Teaching
Textbooks for:
ENGG 296
Graduate Research 1
Textbooks for:
ENGG 297
Graduate Research 2
Textbooks for:
ENGG 298
Graduate Research 3
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
Instructor: Sohail K. Mirza
Instructor: Sohail K. Mirza
CRN: 30643
Textbooks for:
ENGG 325
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Advanced Biomaterials
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 30645
Textbooks for:
ENGG 365
Advanced Biomaterials
Master of Engineering Management Project
Time: –
Instructor: Vikrant S. Vaze
CRN: 30644
Textbooks for:
ENGG 390
Master of Engineering Management Project
Textbooks for:
ENGG 408
Machine Learning
Signal Processing
Time: –
Location: Online course
Instructor: Kelly C Seals
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
ENGG 410
Signal Processing
Required Textbook: A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal
Processing, Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson, 2010.
Hardcover: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-198842-2
eTextbook: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-754977-1
Optional Textbook: J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing:
Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Fifth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson, 2022.
Summer 2024 Copy link to Summer 2024
Integrated Design: Engineering, Architecture, and Building Technology
Time: 10A
Location: MacLean B01 Zaleski
Instructor: John D. Wilson
CRN: 60046
Textbooks for:
Integrated Design: Engineering, Architecture, and Building Technology
No textbook required
The Way Things Work - A Visual Introduction to Engineering
Time: 2A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: David A. Macaulay
CRN: 60051
Textbooks for:
The Way Things Work - A Visual Introduction to Engineering
No textbook required
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 60062
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Research Methods for Human-Centered Design
Time: 3A
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Mike D'Andrea
CRN: 60065
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.07
Research Methods for Human-Centered Design
No textbook required
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Engineering
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Optional: System Dynamics, William J. Palm, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, ISBN 0073398063 or 2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0073529273. Lecture notes and slides will be distributed in class.
Science of Materials
Time: 11
Location: MacLean B01 Zaleski
Instructor: Geoffroy T. F. Hautier
CRN: 60053
Textbooks for:
Science of Materials
Optional: Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, James F. Shackelford, 5th Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-13-011287-9. Amazon: $24.99; Optional: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, William D. Callister, 7th Edition, Wiley 2006. Amazon: $91.20
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Time: 2
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Hung V.T Nguyen
CRN: 60054
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Optional, but recommended: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics; Joe M. Smith, Hendrick C. Van Ness, and Michael Abbott, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0073104454.
Discrete and Probabilistic Systems
Time: 11
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Gunnar Pope
CRN: 60064
Textbooks for:
Discrete and Probabilistic Systems
Probability with Applications in Engineering, Science, and Technology (Springer Texts in Statistics) 2nd ed. 2017 Edition ISBN 978-3319524009 Amazon: $44.70 eText, $58.62 Paperback, $165.88 Hardcover
Digital Electronics
Time: 12
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Tad Truex
CRN: 60055
Textbooks for:
Digital Electronics
Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL by Brock J. Lameres, ISBN-13: 978-3319341941.
Solid Mechanics
Time: 9L
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Daniel C. Cullen
CRN: 60056
Textbooks for:
Solid Mechanics
Statics and Mechanics of Materials, Sixth Edition, R.C. Hibbeler, ISBN: 0-13-796489-7
Textbooks for:
Reading Course
Textbooks for:
Independent Project
Undergraduate Investigations
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 60059
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations
Textbooks for:
Honors Thesis
Textbooks for:
Experiential Project
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Thayer Faculty
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
ENGG 192
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Textbooks for:
ENGG 194
PhD Oral Qualifier
Textbooks for:
ENGG 296
Graduate Research 1
Textbooks for:
ENGG 297
Graduate Research 2
Textbooks for:
ENGG 298
Graduate Research 3
Enterprise Experience Project
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Ronald C. Lasky
CRN: 60034
Textbooks for:
ENGG 300
Enterprise Experience Project
Master of Engineering Management Project
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Vikrant S. Vaze
CRN: 60035
Textbooks for:
ENGG 390
Master of Engineering Management Project
Textbooks for:
ENGG 462
Embedded Systems
Fall 2024 Copy link to Fall 2024
Technology of Cyberspace
Time: 2A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Stephen Taylor
CRN: 91141
Textbooks for:
Technology of Cyberspace
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 91196
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.11
Design & Education
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time: 10
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Simon Shepherd
CRN: 91197
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Optional: A First Book of ANSI C, 4th Edition, Bronson, Brooks/Cole, 2001. ISBN 1418835560. MATLAB: A Practical Intro to Programming and Problem Solving, Stormy Attaway, 2nd Edition and above, ISBN 0123850819.
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Engineering
Textbooks for:
Distributed Systems and Fields
Time: 2
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Mattias W. Fitzpatrick
CRN: 91298
Textbooks for:
Distributed Systems and Fields
Textbooks for:
Control Theory
Discrete and Probabilistic Systems
Time: 10
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: George Cybenko
CRN: 91370
Textbooks for:
Discrete and Probabilistic Systems
Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
Time: 10
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: Kendall R Farnham
CRN: 91422
Textbooks for:
Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
Optional: Electronics by Allan R. Hambley, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2000, ISBN# 0-13-691982-0.
Optional: Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016, ISBN-10 1259587541.
Textbooks for:
Solid Mechanics
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering
Time: 10A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Tillman U. Gerngross
CRN: 91493
Textbooks for:
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering
Textbooks for:
Chemical Engineering
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Time: 10
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Benoit Cushman-Roisin
CRN: 91519
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Software Design and Implementation
Time: 10A
Location: MacLean 210
Instructor: Stephen Taylor
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
Software Design and Implementation
A First Book of ANSI C; Fourth Edition by Gary J. Bronson
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Time: 12
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: Katherine R. Hixon
CRN: 92379
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
No textbook required
Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
Time: 9L
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: A&S Faculty
CRN: 91720
Textbooks for:
Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
Textbooks for:
Machine Engineering
Textbooks for:
Reading Course
Textbooks for:
Independent Project
Undergraduate Investigations
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Douglas W. Van Citters
CRN: 91657
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations
Textbooks for:
Honors Thesis
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC 116
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 91666
Textbooks for:
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 116
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 91735
Textbooks for:
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Numerical Methods in Computation
Time: 12
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Simon Shepherd
CRN: 91661
Textbooks for:
Numerical Methods in Computation
Fourier Transforms and Complex Variables
Time: 2
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Markus E. Testorf
CRN: 91663
Textbooks for:
Fourier Transforms and Complex Variables
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Time: 3A
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Wesley Marrero
CRN: 91665
Textbooks for:
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Montgomery and Runger, 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470053041
Textbooks for:
Experiential Project
Applied Machine Learning
Time: 12
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: George Cybenko
CRN: 92352
Textbooks for:
ENGS 108
Applied Machine Learning
Textbooks for:
ENGS 123
Power Electronics and Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Time: 10
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Jason T. Stauth
CRN: 92354
Textbooks for:
ENGS 125
Power Electronics and Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Textbooks for:
ENGS 127
Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach (3rd ed.) by Robert Plonsey and Roger C. Barr, Springer
Biomedical Microsystems (1st ed.) by Ellis Meng, CRC Press
Science of Solid State Materials
Time: 2
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Jifeng Liu
CRN: 92355
Textbooks for:
ENGS 131
Science of Solid State Materials
Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Condensed Phases
Time: 10
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Harold J. Frost
CRN: 92364
Textbooks for:
ENGS 132
Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Condensed Phases
Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, 3rd Edition, Porter, Easterling and Sherif, Publisher: Chapman and Hall, ISBN 1420062107.
Electrochemical Energy Materials
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Weiyang Li
CRN: 92438
Textbooks for:
ENGS 136
Electrochemical Energy Materials
Optional Textbook: (recommended)
· J. Bard and L. R. Faulkner, Electrochemical methods: fundamentals and applications, John Wiley & Sons
· R. A. Huggins, Advanced Batteries - Materials Science Aspects, Springer
Molecular and Materials Design using Density Functional Theory
Time: Moved to winter 2025 term
Instructor: Geoffroy T. F. Hautier
CRN: 92356
Textbooks for:
ENGS 137
Molecular and Materials Design using Density Functional Theory
Textbooks for:
ENGS 142
Intermediate Solid Mechanics
Modern Control Theory
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 041
Instructor: Minh Q. Phan
CRN: 92358
Textbooks for:
ENGS 145
Modern Control Theory
Identification and Control of Mechanical Systems, Juang and Phan, Cambridge Univ Press, 2001, ISBN 0521783550.
Medical Imaging
Time: 9L
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: David Gladstone
CRN: 92359
Textbooks for:
ENGS 167
Medical Imaging
The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 3rd Edition., Jerrold T. Bushberg, J. Anthony Seibert, Edwin M. Leidholdt Jr., John M. Boone, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishing, 2001 ISBN 0781780578.
Textbooks for:
ENGS 174
Energy Conversion
Textbooks for:
ENGM 178
Technology Assessment
Time: W/Th 3:30 - 5:00pm
Location: Rosenwald (Tuck)
Instructor: Tuck Faculty
CRN: 92414
Textbooks for:
ENGM 179.10
Organizational Behavior
Time: W/Th 3:30 - 5:00pm
Location: Rosenwald (Tuck)
Instructor: Tuck Faculty
CRN: 92415
Textbooks for:
ENGM 179.20
Organizational Behavior
Time: M/W/F 10:00 - 11:20am
Location: Cummings 100
Instructor: Tuck Faculty
CRN: 92416
Textbooks for:
ENGM 181
Introduction to Optimization Methods
Time: W 1:00 - 2:50pm / F 11:30am-1:20pm
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Eric S. Bish
CRN: 92417
Textbooks for:
ENGG 184
Introduction to Optimization Methods
Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets, K. Baker, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 978-1118937693
Introduction to Optimization Methods
Time: W 1:00 - 2:50pm / F 11:30am - 1:20pm
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Eric S. Bish
CRN: 92418
Textbooks for:
ENGM 184
Introduction to Optimization Methods
Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets, K. Baker, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 978-1118937693
Law for Technology and Entrepreneurship
Time: M/T 8:30 - 10:00am
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Oliver Goodenough
CRN: 92420
Textbooks for:
ENGM 188
Law for Technology and Entrepreneurship
1) Intellectual Property, Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights in a Nutshell, Arthur Miller and Michael Davis, 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 9780314278340.
2) Corporate Finance in a Nutshell (Nutshells) 3rd Edition by Jeffrey Haas. Publisher: West Academic Publishing; 3 edition
(September 1, 2015) ISBN-10: 0314289631.
3) Shade’s Business Associations in a Nutshell, Joseph Shade and David Epstein, 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 9780314208514.
4) International Business Transactions in a Nutshell (Nutshells) 10th Editionby Ralph Folsom, Michael Gordon, Michael Van Alstine, Michael Ramsey. Publisher: West Academic Publishing; 10 edition (April 1, 2016)ISBN-10: 1634598938
Medical Device Commercialization (.5 credit)
Time: M/T 1:15 - 2:45pm
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
CRN: 92421
Textbooks for:
ENGM 189.10
Medical Device Commercialization (.5 credit)
Medical Device Commercialization (.5 credit)
Time: M/T 1:15 - 2:45pm
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
CRN: 92423
Textbooks for:
ENGG 189.10
Medical Device Commercialization (.5 credit)
Medical Device Development (.5 credit)
Time: M/T 1:15 - 2:45pm
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
CRN: 92422
Textbooks for:
ENGM 189.20
Medical Device Development (.5 credit)
Medical Device Development (.5 credit)
Time: M/T 1:15 - 2:45pm
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
Instructor: Ryan J. Halter
CRN: 92424
Textbooks for:
ENGG 189.20
Medical Device Development (.5 credit)
Platform Design, Management, and Strategy
Time: M 5:00 - 8:00pm
Location: General Motors (Tuck)
Instructor: Geoffrey G. Parker
CRN: 92473
Textbooks for:
ENGM 190
Platform Design, Management, and Strategy
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 92362
Textbooks for:
ENGS 190
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 92363
Textbooks for:
ENGS 190
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Initiation
Product Design and Development
Time: Th 2:00 - 3:20pm / F 2:00-3:50pm
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Elizabeth Murnane
CRN: 92440
Textbooks for:
ENGM 191
Product Design and Development
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Thayer Faculty
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
ENGG 192
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Time: 2A
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Vikrant S. Vaze
CRN: 92441
Textbooks for:
ENGG 193
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Navidi, W. 2010. Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. A newer edition is also acceptable.
Optional: Verzani, J. 2005. Using R for Introductory Statistics. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
Textbooks for:
ENGG 194
PhD Oral Qualifier
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
Time: F 3:30 - 4:30pm
Location: Cummings 100
CRN: 92367
Textbooks for:
ENGG 195
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
High-Frequency Magnetics Design
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Charles R. Sullivan
CRN: 92479
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.03
High-Frequency Magnetics Design
Advances in Biotechnology
Time: T 8:30 - 10:00am
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Margaret E. Ackerman
CRN: 92368
Textbooks for:
ENGG 260
Advances in Biotechnology
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Jonathan T. Elliott
CRN: 92480
Textbooks for:
ENGG 269
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGG 295
Supervised Undergraduate Teaching
Textbooks for:
ENGG 296
Graduate Research 1
Textbooks for:
ENGG 297
Graduate Research 2
Textbooks for:
ENGG 298
Graduate Research 3
Textbooks for:
ENGG 300
Enterprise Experience Project
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
CRN: 92374
Textbooks for:
ENGG 325
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
MEM Professional Skills
Time: M/W 2:00-3:50pm, W 4:00-4:50pm
Location: Cummings 100
Instructor: Jennifer St. Laurence
CRN: 92419
Textbooks for:
ENGM 387
MEM Professional Skills
No Textbook Required
Master of Engineering Management Project
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Vikrant S. Vaze
CRN: 92375
Textbooks for:
ENGG 390
Master of Engineering Management Project
Textbooks for:
ENGG 408
Machine Learning
Textbooks for:
ENGG 410
Signal Processing
Applied Natural Language Processing
Time: –
Location: Online course
Instructor: Eugene Santos
CRN: 92483
Textbooks for:
ENGG 418
Applied Natural Language Processing
Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research
Time: Th 2:20 - 4:20pm
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Molly Clark Carpenter
CRN: 92464
Textbooks for:
ENGG 700
Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research
Winter 2025 Copy link to Winter 2025
Integrated Design: Engineering, Architecture, and Building Technology
Time: 12
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: John D. Wilson
CRN: 10317
Textbooks for:
Integrated Design: Engineering, Architecture, and Building Technology
No textbook required
Integrated Design: Engineering, Architecture, and Building Technology
Time: 11
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: John D. Wilson
CRN: 11930
Textbooks for:
Integrated Design: Engineering, Architecture, and Building Technology
Analyzing Medical Imaging
Time: 10A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Paul M. Meaney
CRN: 10315
Textbooks for:
ENGS 7.09
Analyzing Medical Imaging
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Vicki V. May
CRN: 10708
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Senior Design Challenge I
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Eugene Korsunskiy
CRN: 10712
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.01
Senior Design Challenge I
Narrative Design for Innovators
Time: 6B
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: Nina Montgomery
CRN: 10735
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.10
Narrative Design for Innovators
System Dynamics in Policy Design and Analysis
Time: 2A
Location: ECSC 009
Instructor: Steven O. Peterson
CRN: 10713
Textbooks for:
System Dynamics in Policy Design and Analysis
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time: 10
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Simon Shepherd
CRN: 10714
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Engineering
Textbooks for:
Distributed Systems and Fields
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Eric Krivitzky
CRN: 10716
Textbooks for:
Distributed Systems and Fields
Science of Materials
Time: 9L
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Alex Boys
Instructor: Ursula J. Gibson
Instructor: Ursula J. Gibson
CRN: 10717
Textbooks for:
Science of Materials
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Time: 11
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Hung V.T Nguyen
CRN: 10718
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Textbooks for:
Embedded Systems
Textbooks for:
Biological Physics
Textbooks for:
Solid Mechanics
Sustainability and Natural Resource Management
Time: 12
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Benoit Cushman-Roisin
CRN: 10319
Textbooks for:
Sustainability and Natural Resource Management
Introduction to Operations Research
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC 041
Instructor: Eugene Santos
CRN: 10321
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Operations Research
Introduction to Protein Engineering
Time: 2
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Britt Goods
CRN: 10323
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Protein Engineering
Basic Biological Circuit Engineering
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Rahul Sarpeshkar
CRN: 10325
Textbooks for:
Basic Biological Circuit Engineering
Introduction to Solid-State Electronic Devices
Time: 10A
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: William J. Scheideler
CRN: 10327
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Solid-State Electronic Devices
Intermediate Electrical Circuits
Time: 10
Location: ECSC 008
Instructor: Jason T. Stauth
CRN: 10329
Textbooks for:
Intermediate Electrical Circuits
Microprocessors in Engineered Systems
Time: 2A
Location: MacLean 210
Instructor: Stephen Taylor
CRN: 10721
Textbooks for:
Microprocessors in Engineered Systems
Introduction to Communication Systems
Time: Cancelled
Instructor: Markus E. Testorf
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Communication Systems
Applied Mechanics: Dynamics
Time: 9L
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Michael A. Kokko
CRN: 10335
Textbooks for:
Applied Mechanics: Dynamics
Textbooks for:
Reading Course
Textbooks for:
Independent Project
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations
Textbooks for:
Honors Thesis
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Time: 3A
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 10706
Textbooks for:
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Time: 2A
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 10331
Textbooks for:
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Time: 10A
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 10333
Textbooks for:
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 100
Instructor: Ronald C. Lasky
CRN: 10722
Textbooks for:
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Montgomery and Runger, 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470053041
Textbooks for:
Experiential Project
Textbooks for:
ENGS 103
Operations Research
Principles of Machine Learning
Time: 3A
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Peter Chin
CRN: 10137
Textbooks for:
ENGS 106
Principles of Machine Learning
Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Computation
Time: 11
Location: ECSC 042
Instructor: Klaus Keller
CRN: 10139
Textbooks for:
ENGS 107
Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Computation
Electromagnetic Waves: Analytical and Modeling Approaches
Time: 12
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Geoffrey P. Luke
CRN: 10140
Textbooks for:
ENGS 120
Electromagnetic Waves: Analytical and Modeling Approaches
Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Kofi M. Odame
CRN: 10141
Textbooks for:
ENGS 129
Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Time: 10
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Erland M. Schulson
CRN: 10142
Textbooks for:
ENGS 130
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Textbooks for:
ENGS 134
Molecular and Materials Design using Density Functional Theory
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Geoffroy T. F. Hautier
CRN: 10144
Textbooks for:
ENGS 137
Molecular and Materials Design using Density Functional Theory
Textbooks for:
ENGG 148
Structural Mechanics
Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
Time: 3A
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Colin R. Meyer
CRN: 10146
Textbooks for:
ENGS 150
Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC B01
Instructor: Ronald C. Lasky
CRN: 11258
Textbooks for:
ENGS 156
Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer
Textbooks for:
ENGS 157
Chemical Process Design
Basic Biological Circuit Engineering
Time: 11
Location: Cummings 105
Instructor: Rahul Sarpeshkar
CRN: 11259
Textbooks for:
ENGS 162
Basic Biological Circuit Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGS 163
Advanced Protein Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGS 164
Tissue Engineering
Sustainable Product Design
Time: 2A
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Benoit Cushman-Roisin
CRN: 11262
Textbooks for:
ENGS 171
Sustainable Product Design
Energy Utilization
Time: 10A
Location: Cummings 118
Instructor: Charles R. Sullivan
CRN: 11263
Textbooks for:
ENGS 173
Energy Utilization
Data Analytics
Time: M/W 9:00 - 10:50am
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Erin N. Mayfield
CRN: 11292
Textbooks for:
ENGG 182
Data Analytics
Data Analytics
Time: M/W 9:00 - 10:50am
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Erin N. Mayfield
CRN: 11291
Textbooks for:
ENGM 182
Data Analytics
Operations Management
Time: F 9:00-10:30am & 11:00am-12:30pm
Location: Stoneman (Tuck)
Instructor: Laurens G. Debo
CRN: 11264
Textbooks for:
ENGM 183
Operations Management
Technology Project Management
Time: 3A
Location: Cummings 202
Instructor: Eric S. Bish
CRN: 11265
Textbooks for:
ENGM 186
Technology Project Management
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Time: 2A
Location: Cummings 200
Instructor: Preston Staats
CRN: 11266
Textbooks for:
ENGM 187
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Thayer Faculty
CRN: 11267
Textbooks for:
ENGG 192
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Time: 2A
Location: MacLean 132
Instructor: Wesley Marrero
CRN: 11268
Textbooks for:
ENGG 193
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGG 194
PhD Oral Qualifier
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
Time: F 3:30 - 4:30pm
Location: Cummings 100
CRN: 11270
Textbooks for:
ENGG 195
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
Ph.D. Professional Workshops
Time: W 3:30 - 5:30pm
Location: MacLean B01
Instructor: Allan Bieber
CRN: 11271
Textbooks for:
ENGG 197
Ph.D. Professional Workshops
Textbooks for:
ENGG 198
Research-In-Progress Workshop
Numerical Modeling of Glacier and Ice Sheet Dynamics
Time: 10A
Location: ECSC B11
Instructor: Helene Seroussi
CRN: 11273
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.13
Numerical Modeling of Glacier and Ice Sheet Dynamics
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.16
Wearable Electronics
Advances in Biotechnology
Time: T 8:30 - 10:00am
Location: MacLean 201
Instructor: Margaret E. Ackerman
CRN: 11276
Textbooks for:
ENGG 260
Advances in Biotechnology
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Jonathan T. Elliott
CRN: 11277
Textbooks for:
ENGG 269
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Time: 3A
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 11279
Textbooks for:
ENGS 290
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Time: 2A
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 11280
Textbooks for:
ENGS 290
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Time: 10A
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
Instructor: Emily Monroe
Instructor: Emily Monroe
CRN: 11282
Textbooks for:
ENGS 290
Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion
Textbooks for:
ENGG 295
Supervised Undergraduate Teaching
Textbooks for:
ENGG 296
Graduate Research 1
Textbooks for:
ENGG 297
Graduate Research 2
Textbooks for:
ENGG 298
Graduate Research 3
Textbooks for:
ENGG 300
Enterprise Experience Project
Advanced Innovation and Entrepreneurship I
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Eric R. Fossum
CRN: 11849
Textbooks for:
ENGG 321.10
Advanced Innovation and Entrepreneurship I
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
CRN: 11289
Textbooks for:
ENGG 325
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Master of Engineering Management Project
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Vikrant S. Vaze
CRN: 11290
Textbooks for:
ENGG 390
Master of Engineering Management Project
Distributed Computing
Time: –
Location: Online course
Instructor: Michael A. Kokko
CRN: 11851
Textbooks for:
ENGG 415
Distributed Computing
Van Steen and Tannenbaum. Distributed Systems. 4th ed, van Steen, 2023.
Available free online: https://www.distributed-systems.net/index.php/books/ds4/
Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, and Blair. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design. 5th ed., Pearson, 2011.
Donovan and Kernighan. The Go Programming Language. 1st ed., Addison-Wesley, 2015.
Cox-Buday. Concurrency in Go. 1st ed., O’Reilly, 2017.
Advanced FPGA Design
Time: –
Location: Online course
Instructor: Kendall R Farnham
CRN: 11850
Textbooks for:
ENGG 463
Advanced FPGA Design
No textbook required
Spring 2025 Copy link to Spring 2025
Elementary Oceanography
Time: 11
Instructor: Yoshihiro Nakayama
CRN: 31948
Textbooks for:
ENGS 3.10
Elementary Oceanography
Tom Garrison and Robert Ellis: Oceanography: An invitation of Marine Science, Fourth to Ninth Edition.
Technology and Biosecurity
Time: 2A
Instructor: Kendall L. Hoyt
CRN: 31344
Textbooks for:
Technology and Biosecurity
Long Shot; Vaccines for National Defense, Kendall Hoyt, Harvard University Press, 2012, ISBN 0674061586.
Textbooks for:
ENGS 7.02
Climate Change
Introduction to Modern Climate Change, Andrew Dessler, 2021, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-793872
Textbooks for:
Everyday Technology
How Things Work; The Physics of Everyday Life, Bloomfield, Wiley, 4th Edition, 0470223995, Paperback.
The Way Things Work - A Visual Introduction to Engineering
Time: 2A
Instructor: David A. Macaulay
CRN: 31347
Textbooks for:
The Way Things Work - A Visual Introduction to Engineering
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Design Thinking
No Textbook Required
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Vicki V. May
CRN: 31094
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations in Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.02
Senior Design Challenge II
No Textbook Required
Computing Before Electronics
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Harold J. Frost
CRN: 31342
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.04
Computing Before Electronics
No Textbook Required - There will be various readings.
Blockchain Explored: Promise, Pitfalls & Plumbing
Time: 10A
Instructor: Oliver Goodenough
CRN: 31887
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.05
Blockchain Explored: Promise, Pitfalls & Plumbing
Imran Bashir, Mastering Blockchain: A deep dive into distributed ledgers, consensus protocols, smart contracts, DApps, cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, and more, 3rd Edition. Packt Publishing (2020), ISBN-10 : 1839213191, ISBN-13 : 978-1839213199
Technology Entrepreneurship
Time: 2A
Instructor: Preston Staats
CRN: 31892
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.06
Technology Entrepreneurship
Packet of Cases and Notes from Harvard Business School Publishing accessible online. Readings: Distributed by the instructor in class and online
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.09
Design Ethics
No Textbook Required
Design and Entrepreneurship
Time: 3A
Instructor: Rafe H. Steinhauer
CRN: 31880
Textbooks for:
ENGS 15.12
Design and Entrepreneurship
Three books: brown, adrienne maree. (2017). Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds (Reprint edition). AK Press.
Lidow, D. (2014). Startup Leadership: How Savvy Entrepreneurs Turn Their Ideas Into Successful Enterprises (1st edition). Jossey-Bass.
Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses (First Edition). Crown Currency.
Future of Energy Systems
Time: 2A
Instructor: Steven O. Peterson
CRN: 31391
Textbooks for:
ENGS 19.01
Future of Energy Systems
Bradford, T, 2018. The Energy system: technology, economics, markets, and policy. MIT Press. The library has several copies on reserve.
Today in Energy. Email newsletter produced by the United States Energy Information Administration. Required. Sign up for the email digest
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time: 12
Instructor: Petra Bonfert-Taylor
CRN: 31393
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Recommended: A First Book of ANSI C, 4th Edition, Bronson, Brooks/Cole, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-1418835569. Matlab, Sixth Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 6th Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0323917506), Elsevier Science &Technology.
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time: 11
Instructor: Helene Seroussi
CRN: 31063
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Scientific Computing
Recommended: A First Book of ANSI C, 4th Edition, Bronson, Brooks/Cole, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-1418835569. Matlab, Sixth Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 6th Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0323917506), Elsevier Science &Technology.
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Engineering
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
Not Required: System Dynamics, William J. Palm, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, ISBN 0073398063. (or 2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0073529273).
Distributed Systems and Fields
Time: 9L
Instructor: Mattias W. Fitzpatrick
Instructor: Anthony Rizzo
Instructor: Anthony Rizzo
CRN: 31868
Textbooks for:
Distributed Systems and Fields
Engineering Field Theory, Österberg and Hansen, 2014 - will be distributed in Class.
Science of Materials
Time: 10
Instructor: Erland M. Schulson
Instructor: Daniel C. Cullen
Instructor: Daniel C. Cullen
CRN: 31419
Textbooks for:
Science of Materials
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 6th edition, James F. Shackelford
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Time: 10A
Instructor: Tucker E Burgin
CRN: 31421
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Optional, but recommended: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics; Joe M. Smith, Hendrick C. Van Ness, and Michael Abbott, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0073104454.
Textbooks for:
Control Theory
Modern Control Engineering; Ogata, Prentice-Hall, 5th Edition, 2010, ISBN-10: 0136156738
Textbooks for:
Embedded Systems
Elliot Williams, Make: AVR Programming via The Dartmouth Library.
Computer-Aided Design & Kinematics
Time: 9L
Instructor: Solomon G. Diamond
CRN: 31425
Textbooks for:
Computer-Aided Design & Kinematics
Digital Electronics
Time: 12
Instructor: Geoffrey P. Luke
CRN: 31427
Textbooks for:
Digital Electronics
Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL by Brock J. Lameres, ISBN-13: 978-3319341941
Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
Time: 10
Instructor: Jason T. Stauth
CRN: 31429
Textbooks for:
Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
Optional: Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016, ISBN-10 1259587541
Textbooks for:
Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics book by Bruce R. Munson (any edition)
Textbooks for:
Environmental Transport and Fate
Sustainable Design
Time: 10A
Instructor: Karolina Kawiaka
CRN: 31641
Textbooks for:
Sustainable Design
Recommended, NOT Required: Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Strategies Towards Net Zero Architecture 5th Edition ISBN-10 1119585740, ISBN-13 978-1119585749; Publisher Wiley Publication date October 26, 2021
Intro Quantum Technologies
Time: Cancelled
Instructor: Mattias W. Fitzpatrick
CRN: –
Textbooks for:
Intro Quantum Technologies
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Time: 2
Instructor: P. Jack Hoopes
CRN: 31643
Textbooks for:
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
No Textbook Required
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
Time: 10
Instructor: Katherine R. Hixon
CRN: 31645
Textbooks for:
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
No Textbook Required
Electric Energy
Time: 12
Instructor: Charles R. Sullivan
CRN: 31838
Textbooks for:
Electric Energy
Required but available as eboook through Dartmouth Libararies: The Principles of Electronic and Electromechanic Power Conversion: A Systems Approach, by Braham Ferreira, Wim van der Merwe, 2013
Engineering Electromagnetics
Time: 11
Instructor: Fridon Shubitidze
CRN: 31917
Textbooks for:
Engineering Electromagnetics
Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Edition, By William H. Hayt, jr and John A. Buck, McGraw Hill.,2012; Optional: Field and wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition, By David K. Cheng, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1992
Textbooks for:
Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis, Russell C. Hibeler, any edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0134610672.
Textbooks for:
Product Design
Product Design and Development, 7th Edition (2020), Ulrich, Eppinger, and Yang.
Textbooks for:
Reading Course
Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing from Processing to Design
Time: 2
Instructor: Rebecca Gallivan
CRN: 31855
Textbooks for:
ENGS 85.13
Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing from Processing to Design
None required but there are readings available on course reserve (Manufacturing: Engineering and Technology, 7th Edition in SI units (2014), Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid)
Textbooks for:
Independent Project
Textbooks for:
Undergraduate Investigations
Textbooks for:
Honors Thesis
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Time: 12
Instructor: Ronald C. Lasky
CRN: 31911
Textbooks for:
Statistical Methods in Engineering
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Montgomery and Runger, 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470053041
Textbooks for:
Experiential Project
Digital Image Processing
Time: 9L
Instructor: Xiaoyao Fan
CRN: 30703
Textbooks for:
ENGS 111
Digital Image Processing
Optional: Digital Image Processing 4th Edition, Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods
Textbooks for:
ENGS 124
Optical Devices and Systems
Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Time: 2A
Instructor: Kofi M. Odame
CRN: 30705
Textbooks for:
ENGS 126
Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Johns and Martin, Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, ISBN 047114448
Textbooks for:
ENGS 128
Advanced Digital System Design
No Textbook Required
Methods of Materials Characterization
Time: 2A
Instructor: Ian Baker
CRN: 30707
Textbooks for:
ENGS 133
Methods of Materials Characterization
Transmission Electron Microscopy, Williams and Carter, Plenum Press, NY, 030645324X (paperback). 030645324 (hardcover).
Elements of X-ray Diffraction by B.D. Cullity and Spark Elements of X-ray Diffraction by B.D. Cullity and S.R. Stock, Addison-Wesley, 0201610914.
Thin Films and Microfabrication Technology
Time: 12
Instructor: Hui Fang
CRN: 30708
Textbooks for:
ENGS 135
Thin Films and Microfabrication Technology
Optional: Milton Ohring, Materials Science of Thin Films, 2nd edition, Academic Press (2002); Sami Franssila, Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd edition, Wiley, (2010)
Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Time: 10A
Instructor: Weiyang Li
CRN: 30709
Textbooks for:
ENGS 138
Corrosion and Degradation of Materials
Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, Jones; Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0133599930
Optional: Introduction to corrosion science by McCafferty, Edward, Springer, 2010, ISBN-10: 1441904549
Engineering Simulation for Mechanical Design and Analysis
Time: 10A
Instructor: Eric S. Bish
CRN: 30710
Textbooks for:
ENGS 144
Engineering Simulation for Mechanical Design and Analysis
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
ENGS 147
No Textbook Required
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Time: 12
Instructor: Benoit Cushman-Roisin
CRN: 30712
Textbooks for:
ENGS 152
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - Physical and Numerical Aspects, by Cushman-Roisin and Beckers, 2011
Chemical Kinetics and Reactors
Time: 2
Instructor: Jiwon Lee
CRN: 30713
Textbooks for:
ENGS 158
Chemical Kinetics and Reactors
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, H. Scott Fogler, Prentice Hall, 2016, 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 9780133887518
Molecular Sensors & Nanodevices in Biomedical Engineering
Time: 11
Instructor: John Zhang
CRN: 30714
Textbooks for:
ENGS 159
Molecular Sensors & Nanodevices in Biomedical Engineering
Molecular Sensors and Nanodevices: Principles, Designs and Applications in Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0128148624
Textbooks for:
ENGS 161
Metabolic Engineering
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
ENGS 165
Biomaterials Science, An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Ratner, Hoffman, Schoen, and Lemons, 4th Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 2020, ISBN: 9780128161371. Not mandatory, but strongly recommended.
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
Time: 10
Instructor: Katherine R. Hixon
CRN: 30717
Textbooks for:
ENGS 169
Intermediate Biomedical Engineering
No Textbook Required
Climate Change and Engineering
Time: 11
Instructor: Klaus Keller
CRN: 30718
Textbooks for:
ENGS 172
Climate Change and Engineering
Introduction to Modern Climate Change, Andrew Dessler, 2021, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-793872
Techno-economic Analysis in a Developing Country Context
Time: 3B
Instructor: John Hannon
CRN: 30719
Textbooks for:
ENGS 172.20
Techno-economic Analysis in a Developing Country Context
No Textbook Required
Textbooks for:
ENGS 175
Energy Systems
No Textbook Required
Decision-Making under Uncertainty
Time: 3A
Instructor: Wesley Marrero
CRN: 30721
Textbooks for:
ENGS 177
Decision-Making under Uncertainty
Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Theory and Application, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, 2015, MIT Press. ISBN online 9780262331708
Accounting and Finance
Time: M/T 8:30 - 10:00am
Instructor: Joseph Gerakos
Instructor: Felipe Severino
Instructor: Felipe Severino
CRN: 30722
Textbooks for:
ENGM 180
Accounting and Finance
Optional: Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe, Corporate Finance, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill, Irvin
Textbooks for:
ENGG 192
Independent or Group Study in Engineering Sciences
Textbooks for:
ENGG 194
PhD Oral Qualifier
Textbooks for:
ENGG 195
Seminar on Science - Technology and Society
Post-Modern and Non-Linear Control
Time: 10A
Instructor: Minh Q. Phan
CRN: 30727
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.08
Post-Modern and Non-Linear Control
Advanced Methods in Biological Engineering
Time: 2A
Instructor: Britt Goods
CRN: 30728
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.15
Advanced Methods in Biological Engineering
Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing from Processing to Design
Time: 2
Instructor: Rebecca Gallivan
CRN: 30729
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.17
Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing from Processing to Design
None required but there are readings available on course reserve (Manufacturing: Engineering and Technology, 7th Edition in SI units (2014), Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schmid)
Biophotonics: Principles and Applications in Biomedicine
Time: 2A
Instructor: Irene Georgakoudi
CRN: 30726
Textbooks for:
ENGG 199.18
Biophotonics: Principles and Applications in Biomedicine
Biophotonics: Concepts to Applications by Gerd Keiser (available online at no cost for Dartmouth students)
Data Analytics Project Lab
Time: M/T 1:30 - 3:00pm
Instructor: Geoffrey G. Parker
Instructor: Reed Harder
Instructor: Reed Harder
CRN: 30730
Textbooks for:
ENGM 204
Data Analytics Project Lab
Fatigue and Fracture
Time: M/W 12:50 - 2:40pm
Instructor: Yan Li
CRN: 30731
Textbooks for:
ENGG 230
Fatigue and Fracture
(Recommended) Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Fourth Edition, Ted L. Anderson, CRC Press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315370293
Advances in Biotechnology
Time: T 8:30 - 10:00am
Instructor: Margaret E. Ackerman
CRN: 30732
Textbooks for:
ENGG 260
Advances in Biotechnology
No Textbook Required
Advanced Biological Circuit Engineering
Time: 2
Instructor: Rahul Sarpeshkar
CRN: 30736
Textbooks for:
ENGS 262
Advanced Biological Circuit Engineering
No Textbook Required
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Jonathan T. Elliott
CRN: 30737
Textbooks for:
ENGG 269
Advances in Biomedical Engineering
Textbooks for:
ENGG 295
Supervised Undergraduate Teaching
Textbooks for:
ENGG 295.10
Supervised Teaching Assistant
Textbooks for:
ENGG 296
Graduate Research 1
Textbooks for:
ENGG 297
Graduate Research 2
Textbooks for:
ENGG 298
Graduate Research 3
Textbooks for:
ENGG 300
Enterprise Experience Project
Advanced Innovation and Entrepreneurship II
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Eric R. Fossum
CRN: 30738
Textbooks for:
ENGG 321.20
Advanced Innovation and Entrepreneurship II
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Time: Arrange
Instructor: Keith D. Paulsen
CRN: 30740
Textbooks for:
ENGG 325
Introduction to Surgical Innovation
Master of Engineering Management Project
Time: –
Instructor: Vikrant S. Vaze
CRN: 30741
Textbooks for:
ENGG 390
Master of Engineering Management Project
Textbooks for:
ENGG 408
Machine Learning
Textbooks for:
ENGG 410
Signal Processing
Deep Learning
Time: –
Location: Online course
Instructor: Tucker E Burgin
CRN: 30743
Textbooks for:
ENGG 419
Deep Learning
Bishop. Deep Learning: Foundations and Concepts