In addition to Thayer Financial Aid fellowships, scholarships and research assistantships, the following funding resources are available to graduate engineering students:
Thayer Barrier Removal Fund
This limited fund is reserved for extraordinary circumstances that fall outside of the typical Cost of Attendance such as emergency travel, medical co-payments or personal needs, or educational needs not covered by financial aid. The fund is primarily available to PhD students with high financial need as well as scholarship-eligible master's students who may receive one disbursement, generally not more than $600, per academic year. (BE students should contact the Dartmouth Financial Aid office for this funding.) All requests will be kept confidential.
Mental Health Counseling Fund
The Devens Fund helps students cover costs associated with mental health counseling. Contact the Dartmouth Counseling Office for more information.
Thayer Emergency Loans
Short-term, interest-free loans are available for emergency needs of Thayer students. For more information, please contact
Federal Loans
For costs such as room, board, or medical expenses, federal loans are available to US citizens and permanent residents at the graduate level provided they are enrolled at least half-time and making satisfactory academic progress in a degree program.
Conference Travel Funds
- Thayer Conference Travel (PhD) — $1,000
Upon promotion to PhD candidacy, students are eligible to request up to $1,000 to attend a focused engineering conference in their field of thesis research. The student does not need to be presenting research results at the meeting to be eligible. To apply, submit a written request to the PhD program director within one year of advancement to candidacy.