
Jul 12, 2024   |   Dartmouth News

Olympians Bender and Quiñones Are Headed to Paris

Competing in rowing and basketball, respectively, the Dartmouth Engineering student and alum are two of the six 2024 Olympians with Dartmouth ties.

Jul 05, 2024 | Dartmouth Admissions

An Education Design Expert Flips the Script

Jul 01, 2024 | Dartmouth News

NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Announced

Jun 18, 2024 | Dartmouth Admissions

Exploring the Roots of Intelligence

Jun 17, 2024 | Dartmouth Admissions

Tackling Health Care Disparities in Cameroon


How top-heavy is the stock market?

A column on current market conditions cites a study co-authored 24 years ago by Professor Geoffrey Parker titled "Winner Take All: Competition, Strategy, and the Structure of Returns in the Internet Economy."

Jun 17, 2024


At least 35 of America's billionaires are PhDs

A column on PhD graduates who are turning to careers outside academia credits Thayer and Guarini's PhD Innovation Program for providing "entrepreneurial training to turn research discoveries into market solutions."

Jun 12, 2024

The Scientist

A Cellular Roadmap for Fertility

Professor Britt Goods is quoted in an article about a spatial atlas of rare cell types in ovaries. "This paper really lays the groundwork for a lot of future studies in this space, which is really exciting," Goods said.

Jun 06, 2024

Discover Magazine

It May be Possible to Power Implantable Generators with Our Bodies

Professor John Zhang is quoted in an article about wearable generators that produce electricity. "This study implies that sufficient electrical energy can be converted from the kinetic energy of a pacemaker lead especially at low frequencies to sustain operations," Zhang said.

May 04, 2024

Research Quick Takes

Aleah Sommers

Glacier Surges & Floods

Research Scientist Aleah Sommers (pictured) and Professor Colin Meyer won a two-year ~$180,000 NASA grant to work with international collaborators in Pakistan to study the influence of water flowing at the base of glaciers in High Mountain Asia. "Improved understanding of subglacial drainage has great potential benefit for hazard prediction and water resources, in terms of how they are likely to change with continued warming," says Sommers.

Roman Vasyltsiv

Best Oral Presentation

PhD student Roman Vasyltsiv received a "Best Young Researcher Oral Presentation" certificate at the International Conference on 3D dosimetry in Aarhus, Denmark. Roman presented his work on detection of radiation dose delivery in real time from ultra-high dose rate proton therapy systems using scintillation meshes applied to the patient's surface and ultra-fast cameras.

Figure from review paper

Materials for Flexible Transparent Electronics

Professor Will Scheideler collaborated with Professor Kenji Nomura of UCSD to write a review titled "Advances in Liquid Metal Printed 2D Oxide Electronics," published in Advanced Functional Materials. Their paper highlights recent advances in ultrathin liquid-metal-derived 2D semiconductors for high-performance flexible circuits, display technology, and neuromorphic computing.

Kasia Warburton

Travel Fellowship

Postdoc and lecturer Kasia Warburton was selected for a Thomas Hughes Fellowship to attend the 2024 International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) in Korea in August, sponsored by the National Academies. She will present an invited talk on fluid mechanical challenges for sustainability and climate change titled, "Evolving permeability of sub- and supra- glacial flow."

Megan Clark

Best in Physics

PhD student Megan Clark Th'21 is first author on a submission named "Best in Physics" for the National American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting & Exhibition to be held in Los Angeles in July. The submission is titled "Anesthetic Concentration, Type, and Duration in Murine Model to Play an Essential Role in Tissue Oxygenation and Reproducibility of the Flash Effect." Coauthors include Arthur Pétusseau Th'23 and professors David Gladstone, Brian Pogue, Petr Brůža, and Jack Hoopes.

resident performing a suturing task using a da Vinci Single Port

Oral Retractor for Robotic Surgery

PhD researcher Yuan Shi, alum Xiaotian Wu '14 Th'19, Professor Ryan Halter, and Adjunct Professor Joseph Paydarfar co-authored "An Imaging-Compatible Oral Retractor System for Transoral Robotic Surgery," published in Annals of Biomedical Engineering. "This device enables artifact-free imaging, which makes intra-operative image guidance possible," said Shi. "We are getting ready to use this novel retractor system in a clinical study at DHMC."

Award plaque

Best Innovation Award

Professor Vikrant Vaze received the "Best Innovation" award at the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies' (AGIFORS) 2024 Crew Management Study Group Meeting in Modena, Italy. Vaze earned the award with a technical presentation titled "Integrated Crew Recovery Using Optimization and Machine Learning." Said Vaze, "This research combines interpretable machine learning with optimization to obtain high-quality airline recovery solutions rapidly and transparently."

Professor Geoffroy Hautier

Promising Material Properties

PhD student Weiru Chen, Research Associate Yihuang Xiong, and Professor Geoffroy Hautier co-authored "The Defects Genome of Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides" published in Advanced Materials. "This work combines advanced characterization techniques and modeling to precisely identify, at the atomistic scale, the defects in an important 'Janus' 2D material," says Hautier. "This is an important step toward better control and understanding of this technologically promising material."

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