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Bachelor of Arts in Engineering Sciences

All engineering majors first earn the Bachelor of Arts (AB) before the Bachelor of Engineering (BE). Many earn both the AB and BE degrees in four years, while others opt to add a fifth year of study.

Dartmouth students interested in engineering have opportunities to create a program of study with both engineering depth and breadth, with the time flexibility to engage in undergraduate research, study abroad, or explore academic and co-curricular interests beyond engineering.

Engineering Majors & Minors

The AB in engineering sciences requires the completion of least seven prerequisite courses in math and science, at least nine engineering sciences courses, and all required courses in the liberal arts for the AB. Students who choose to also pursue the BE take at least nine courses beyond the requirements for the major in the AB.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the Engineering major are designed to nest into our BE program. Graduates from the AB engineering program will have:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


Dartmouth offers majors in engineering sciences, biomedical engineering, and engineering physics. The major requires at least seven prerequisites in math and science, at least nine engineering courses, and required liberal arts courses.

More about majors

Modified Majors

Modify engineering with biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, environmental sciences, public policy, studio art, or other discipline. In addition, you can modify any non-engineering major with engineering or human-centered design.

More about modified majors


Minors in engineering sciences, human-centered design, and materials science allow students to add engineering sciences to their liberal arts studies to help them gain analytical, technical, and scientific perspectives in their academic fields.

More about minors

Multiple Degrees with Advance Planning

The completion of the BE can take an additional one to three terms after the completion of the AB, depending on the courses taken during the first four years or the student's advanced standing upon entry to Dartmouth. With advance planning, students can earn multiple degrees in just four to five years, including the Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Engineering Management (MEM), and Master of Science (MS).

AB-BE in Four Years

Many students earn the AB and BE in four years by planning ahead. Students interested in this option begin working with their faculty advisors as early as possible to create multi-year plan that allows for the completion of all requirements within the timeframe.

AB-BE in Five Years

Opting for a fifth year to complete the BE allows students more time and flexibility for academic exploration or pursue additional co-curricular pursuits, such as intercollegiate athletics.

AB-BE for Computer Science and Physics Majors

The flexibility of a five-year BE program makes it possible for computer science or physics majors to also earn the BE, with an additional year of study after completing their requirements for the major. (See Sample AB/BE Programs for Dartmouth Physics Majors and Sample AB/BE Programs for Dartmouth Computer Science Majors.)


With advance planning, BE students interested in the MEng degree may use up to six applicable graduate courses for both degrees. These courses are ones that have not already been counted toward the AB, and are taken in the fifth year.


Students may also pursue the BE and MEM degrees simultaneously, reducing the time needed to complete both degrees. Students are encouraged to apply to the MEM program during their senior year.


With advance planning and pending a willing Dartmouth faculty sponsor, students interested in the MS degree may be able to earn the degree within one year after finishing the requirements for the BE. Students should discuss their plans with the MS program director.

Opportunities & Support

Two people are engaged in a laboratory experiment, with one holding up a vial to observe the contents closely, while the other watches intently.

First Year Research in Engineering Experience

The First Year Research in Engineering Experience (FYREE) program provides first-year undergraduate students and prospective engineering majors with early hands-on experience and mentoring within engineering.

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Dartmouth Emerging Engineers

Some students need extra support on the road to an engineering degree. The Dartmouth Emerging Engineers (DEE) program provides tutoring and mentoring support to help all students build a solid academic foundation for engineering within a culture of encouragement and collaboration.

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Honors Independent Research

Engineering majors with a grade point average of 3.33 in their major, with an overall GPA of 3.0, are eligible for admission to the Honors Program in Engineering Sciences. Honors students have the opportunity to complete independent research under the guidance of engineering faculty.

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Study Abroad

Engineering students have opportunities to study abroad through Dartmouth's Guarini Institute for International Education, as well as through four additional exchange programs designed especially for engineering majors.

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Scholarships & Fellowships

Endowed scholarships and fellowships, established through the generosity of alumni, friends, foundations, and corporations, are awarded to engineering students with financial need who have demonstrated academic ability and promise of contributing to the engineering profession.

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The MShop

The MShop is a unique instructional workshop where problem-solving and teamwork skills are fostered with the tools, techniques, and training needed to enable engineering creativity in a safe and collaborative environment.

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Applying to Dartmouth

All undergraduate students, with the exception of Partner School Dual-Degree students, must apply through Dartmouth's Office of Undergraduate Admissions. There is no direct application process to Thayer School of Engineering for high school or transfer students interested in earning the Bachelor of Arts (AB) or the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) at Dartmouth.

Apply to Dartmouth

Financial Aid

Undergraduate Financial Aid

Students interested in pursuing the AB (or the combined AB and BE within four years) apply for financial aid through Dartmouth's Office of Financial Aid. Dartmouth meets 100% of demonstrated financial need, with all aid in the form of scholarships, grants, and Federal Work Study.

Undergraduate Financial Aid

Fifth-Year BE Students

Students who add a fifth year to allow for more time to earn the BE apply for financial aid to Thayer School of Engineering. Aid is available in the form of partial-tuition scholarships, hourly employment as teaching assistants or in other capacities, fellowships, and loans.

Fifth-Year BE Financial Aid