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Dartmouth Engineering Academic Calendar

Thayer School of Engineering closely follows Dartmouth's academic calendar, with a few exceptions. 

Please be advised that the information below is accurate as of the date of publication and is offered as a resource for students, staff, and faculty for planning purposes. Dartmouth reserves the right to make such changes as the trustees, faculty, and officers consider appropriate and to be in the best interest of the Dartmouth community.

Please contact the Thayer Registrar with any questions.

Summer Term 2024

June 1922 Summer term online check-in
June 20 Summer term classes begin
June 2026 First week of Summer term schedule adjustment (add/drop). Permission to add courses is not necessary unless normally required.
June 20–August 21 Fall term course change period for AB students
June 22Deadline to complete check-in without a $50 late registration fee. Check-in must be completed by 11:59pm.
June 22 Special day of classes: 10 period courses meet 8:00am to 9:05am; 11 period, 9:20am to 10:25pm; 12 period, 10:40am to 11:45am; and 2 period, 12:00pm to 1:05pm.
June 27July 3Second week of Summer term schedule adjustment (add/drop). All courses require instructor permission to add.
June 29Final day for delayed Summer term check-in ($50 late fee applies). Any student not checked-in by end of this day is liable for administrative withdrawal.
July 4Independence Day. No classes held.
August 1Fall term course registration opens for Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students
August 7 Final day to withdraw from a Summer term course (with a notation of “W” applied to transcript); any later request to withdraw from a course requires petition to a special committee
August 21Fall term registration closes for AB students and for classes numbered under 100 and will reopen on the first day of the Fall term. Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students may continue to register for Fall term classes numbered 100 or higher.
August 21 Summer term classes end
August 2223 Pre-examination break
August 24 Final examinations begin
August 27 Final examinations end
September 6 Final grades and official transcripts available

Fall Term 2024

September 11–13 Advising and orientation begin
September 15–18 Fall term online check-in
September 16 Fall term classes begin
September 16–22 First week of Fall term schedule adjustment (add/drop). Permission to add courses is not necessary unless normally required.
September 18 Deadline to complete check-in without a $50 late registration fee. Check-in must be completed by 11:59pm.
September 23–29 Second week of Fall term schedule adjustment (add/drop). All courses require instructor permission to add.
September 25 Final day for delayed check-in (with $50 late fee). Any student not checked in by the end of this day becomes liable for administrative withdrawal.
October 25Course Timetable available for the Winter term
TBDHomecoming Weekend
October 30–November 7Winter term course election period for AB students
November 5 Final day to withdraw from a Fall term course (with a notation of “W” applied to transcript); any later request to withdraw from a course requires petition to a special committee
November 1519 Winter term course change period for AB students and for classes numbered under 100
November 15Winter term course registration opens for Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students
November 19 Fall term classes end
November 19Winter term registration closes for AB students and for classes numbered under 100 and will reopen on the first day of the Winter term. Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students may continue to register for classes numbered 100 or higher.
November 20–21 Pre-examination break
November 22 Final examinations begin
November 27 Final examinations end
December 10 Final grades and official transcripts available

Winter Term 2025

January 5–8 Winter term online check-in
January 6 Winter term classes begin
January 6–12 First week of Winter term schedule adjustment (add/drop). Permission to add courses is not necessary unless normally required.
January 8 Deadline to complete check-in without a $50 late registration fee. Check-in must be completed by 11:59pm.
January 1319 Second week of Winter term schedule adjustment (add/drop). All courses require instructor permission to add.
January 15 Final day for delayed check-in (with $50 late fee). Any student not checked-in by the end of this day is liable for administrative withdrawal.
January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Courses regularly held in the 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 12-, and 2-sequences moved to their x-periods. Courses held in the 3A-period moved to the 3B-period. Laboratory sections meet as scheduled, unless otherwise notified by the instructor.
February 7 Course Timetable available for Spring term
February 12–20 Spring term course election period for AB students
February 21 Final day to withdraw from a course; any later request to withdraw from a course requires petition to a special committee
February 21Spring term course registration opens for Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students
February 28March 7 Spring term course change period for AB students and courses numbered below 100
March 7 Winter term classes end
March 7Spring term registration closes for AB students and for classes numbered under 100 and will reopen on the first day of the Spring term. Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students may continue to register for classes numbered 100 or higher.
March 8–9 Pre-examination break
March 10 Final examinations begin
March 14 Final examinations end
March 24 Final grades and official transcripts available

Spring Term 2025

March 30–April 2 Spring term online check-in
March 31 Spring term classes begin
March 31–April 6 First week of Spring term schedule adjustment (add/drop). Permission to add courses is not necessary unless normally required.
April 2 Deadline to complete check-in without a $50 late registration fee. Check-in must be completed by 11:59pm.
April 7–13 Second week of Spring term schedule adjustment (add/drop). All courses require instructor permission to add.
April 9 Final day for delayed check-in (with $50 late fee). Any student not checked-in by the end of this day is liable for administrative withdrawal.
April 25 Course Timetable available for Summer term
April 30–May 8 Summer term course election period for AB students
May 9 Course Timetable available for Fall term
May 14–22 Fall term course election period for AB students
May 16–June 4 Summer term course change period for AB students
May 16Summer term course registration opens for Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students
May 21 Final day to withdraw from a course; any later request to withdraw from a course requires petition to a special committee
May 26 Memorial Day. No classes held.
May 30–June 4Fall term course change period for AB students. Fall term course registration for Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students will open in August.
June 4 Spring term classes end
June 4Summer term registration closes for AB students and for classes numbered under 100 and will reopen on the first day of the Summer term. Thayer BE, Masters, and PhD students may continue to register for classes numbered 100 or higher.
June 5 Pre-examination break
June 6 Final examinations begin
June 10 Final examinations end
June 14 Thayer School of Engineering Investiture
June 15 Dartmouth Commencement
June 20Final grades and official transcripts available