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Kudos: Spring 2023

May 22, 2023   |   Dartmouth Engineer

APPOINTED: Professor Eugene Santos Jr. has been appointed to the US Department of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Santos works in the area of artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on how machines can learn complex behaviors such as innovation and creativity.

PITCHED: MEM student Martin Roeck Th'23 won The Pitch $1,000 Startup Prize from the Dartmouth Digital Applied Learning and Innovation (DALI) Lab and Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship. His ZappShot technology, developed with fellow MEM student Prutha Atre Th'23, provides business with instant decarbonization assessments.

PUBLISHED: MS student Logan Bateman Th'24, PhD student Kendra Hebert Th'26, and Samuel Streeter '13 Th'14 Th'21 outlined a new way to evaluate imaging agents in “Preclinical evaluation of molecularly targeted fluorescent probes in perfused amputated human limbs,” published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics.

SELECTED: Professor Petra Bonfert-Taylor is one of five Dartmouth faculty leaders joining the inaugural class of Ivy+ Faculty Advancement Network Leadership Fellows, a group of 12 research universities that collaborate to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion among faculty.

AWARDED: Professors Vikrant Vaze and Peter Chin are part of the interdisciplinary team that earned the Levy Health Care Delivery Incubator Award for their work with the Family Heart Foundation to identify individuals with a genetic condition that causes high cholesterol.

NAMED: New Schwarzman Scholar Michelle Wang '21 Th'22 Th'23 will receive a one-year graduate fellowship to a master's program in global affairs at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

FEATURED: Professor Geoff Parker discussed key considerations in business-to-business platforms on the Future Sight podcast.

HACKED: The team of Khanh Le Th'25, Remi Kauderer Th'25, Jhujhar Sarna Th'23, Ozgur Tuna Ozturk Th'25, and Muhammad Ussaid Mustajab Th'25 won the 2022 Energy Hackathon, sponsored by the Dartmouth Energy Alliance and Irving Institute. "Our team tackled a mix of the carbon-counter and energy-access challenge," says Mustajab, with a consolidated energy data platform "that allows people to understand what a carbon count means."

FUNDED: A $1.3-million National Science Foundation grant will enable the Dartmouth Institute of Arctic Studies to continue training future climate-change scientists. The funding will support efforts such as those by PhD candidate Ayobami Ogunmolasuyi Th'24, who developed and delivered online lessons for the program.

HEARD: The Big REthink Podcast recently featured Dean Alexis Abramson discussing "What Is Human-Centered Engineering and How Is It Helping Fight Climate Change?"

SUPPORTED: The Dartmouth Innovations Accelerator for Cancer split its most recent $100,000 Stu Trembly Th'83 Award—named for the engineering professor and entrepreneur who died in 2021—among four engineering research teams. Professors and the research they're leading include Margie Ackerman on B cell immunotherapies, Petr Brůža on guided surgical resection by detection of hypoxic tumor cells, Katie Hixon on tissue engineering to promote bone regrowth following tumor resection, and John Zhang on automated exosome capture and loading.

QUOTED: Professor Don Perovich was quoted in an article in Inside Climate News about his recent study published in The Cryosphere: "Timing is really critical, and this shows that the timing is changing," he said about the freeze-thaw cycle in the Arctic Ocean.

COVERED: Figure 1 from "Motion-based microwave tomographic measurement device for three-dimensional coverage in a magnetic resonance system"—coauthored by Professor Paul Meaney, systems engineer Timothy Raynolds, Shireen Geimer Th'95, David Ouma '20 Th'21, Grace Player '21 Th'21, and Professor Keith Paulsen—was chosen for a recent cover of Medical Physics.

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