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Imaging & Physics Research

Imaging and physics research is within the overall program area of biomedical engineering (BME) at Dartmouth supporting discovery in fundamental applied science and engineering, as well as translational science, to address grand challenges in human health.

Research in imaging and physics focuses on developing medical technologies that help clinicians better detect, diagnose, stage, treat, and monitor patients with a variety of pathologies. There is particular emphasis on improving surgical procedures and creating new surgical tools to improve patient care as well as developing new cancer detection and treatment strategies. Dartmouth also encourages and facilitates efforts toward clinical translation of new imaging and therapy tools, and offers a Medical Physics Education Program for enrolled PhD students.

Research Subfields

Bioimpedance technologies

Medical physics

Medical robotics

Molecular imaging

Multi-modal imaging

Optical spectroscopy and imaging

Photodynamic therapy

Surgical guidance technologies

Therapy monitoring technologies
