Dartmouth Engineering welcomed seven new faculty members to the Thayer community.
XIAOYAO FAN joined Thayer in July as a research assistant professor of engineering. Her research interests focus on image guidance in neurosurgery, including open and minimally invasive procedures.
HUI FANG joined Thayer in July as associate professor of engineering. His research concentrates on multifunctional materials and devices for large-scale soft microsystem development with an emphasis on neuroelectronics.
DAVID GLADSTONE joined in July as a new professor of engineering. Previously, he served as an adjunct professor. His research interests include radiation therapy, bio-logical gating of therapeutic X-ray beams, image-guided brachytherapy, Cherenkov emission during radiotherapy, and EPR dosimetry.
BRITT GOODS joined Thayer in June as assistant professor of engineering. Her research lies at the intersection of reproductive health, immunology, and biological engineering.
ERIN MAYFIELD joined Thayer in September as assistant professor of engineering. She studies human-environmental-engineered system transitions in the context of climate change.
HELENE SEROUSSI joined Thayer in August as associate professor of engineering. Her research interests include glaciology, ice sheet modeling and ice sheet contribution to sea level, ice-ocean interactions, climate science, and data assimilation and inverse modeling in geosciences.
RAFE STEINHAUER joined Thayer as instructional assistant professor of engineering in July. His interests center on design thinking, human-centered design, and education design.