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Dartmouth Engineering Welcomes Seven New Faculty

Oct 18, 2021   |   by Julie Bonette

Over the past several months, Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering has welcomed seven new faculty members to its ranks.

Xiaoyao Fan

Xiaoyao Fan Th'12 was promoted from research scientist to assistant professor in July. Her research interests are focused on image guidance in neurosurgery, including open and minimally invasive procedures, and she has been working on methods and algorithms to improve the accuracy of image guidance and image updating for intraoperative brain deformation and spine motion compensation at multiple stages. She received her BE in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University and her PhD in biomedical engineering from Dartmouth.

Hui Fang

Hui Fang joined Thayer this July as associate professor. He enjoys researching innovative materials, structures, and devices as solutions to address various grand challenges facing humanity, especially in biology and medicine. His current research concentrates on multifunctional materials and devices for large-scale soft microsystem development with an emphasis on neuroelectronics. He earned his BS in materials science and engineering from Tsinghua University in China and his PhD in materials science and engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

David Gladstone

David Gladstone joined Thayer's core faculty this July after serving several years as adjunct professor of engineering. His research interests include ultra-conformal radiation therapy, image guided radiation therapy, biological gating of therapeutic X-ray beams, image guided brachytherapy, cherenkov emission during radiotherapy, and EPR dosimetry. He earned his BSCh from the University of Denver and his ScD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Britt Goods

Britt Goods Th'11 joined Thayer in June as assistant professor of engineering. Her research lies at the intersection of reproductive health, immunology, and biological engineering, and focuses on single-cell RNA-sequencing, reproductive health and cancer, contraceptive discovery, systems biology, and immunology. She earned her BA in biochemistry from Colby College, her BE in chemical and biochemical engineering from Dartmouth, and her PhD in biological engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Erin Mayfield

Erin Mayfield started at Thayer as visiting faculty in May and then joined the core faculty as assistant professor in September. She studies human-environmental-engineered system transitions in the context of climate change. Her multidisciplinary research — which draws on the fields of environmental engineering, data science, operations research, and policy — aims to develop computational tools to facilitate decision-making. She earned her BS in environmental science from Rutgers University, her MS in environmental engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and her PhD in engineering and public policy from Carnegie Mellon University.

Helene Seroussi

Helene Seroussi started at Thayer as visiting faculty in February and then joined the core faculty as associate professor in August. Her research interests include glaciology, ice sheet modeling and ice sheet contribution to sea level, ice-ocean interactions, climate science, and data assimilation and inverse modeling in geosciences. She earned two MS degrees in mechanical engineering and structural dynamics and coupled systems and her PhD in mechanical engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris, France.

Rafe Steinhauer

Rafe Steinhauer started at Thayer as visiting faculty in September last year and then joined the core faculty as assistant professor in July. His teaching and interests center on design thinking, human-centered design, and education design. He is interested in how higher education could center care, multiculturalism, and joy. He earned his BSE in operations research and financial engineering from Princeton University, and his MBA and MEd in innovation in education reform from the University of Virginia.

Additional faculty appointments have been offered and accepted by several individuals who will join Thayer in 2022. Details to come!

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