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Kudos: Fall 2022

Dec 01, 2022   |   Dartmouth Engineer

SUPPORTED: The National Science Foundation awarded Michael James May Th'25 a graduate research fellowship of $46,000 to support his geophysics and engineering research in the Arctic and Antarctic.

NAMED: Engineering sciences major Katherine Lasonde '23 and biomedical engineering major Nicholas Sugiarto '23 have been named Goldwater Scholars. The competitive program supports students who show "exceptional promise of becoming this nation’s next generation of research leaders" with up to $7,500 toward their research.

PITCHED: Conrades Distinguished Fellow and MEM candidate Tishya Srivastava won a $10,000 Build Prize at "The Pitch" competition for her app, MEMRY, designed to increase engagement between Alzheimer's patients and caregivers.

SELECTED: Engineering sciences major Karson Smith '25 is one of just five students nationwide to receive a $10,000 Hyundai Women in STEM scholarship for her commitment to sustainability in her field.

FUNDED: NASA awarded a $750,000 grant to Professor Yan Li and her team—PhD students Huan Zhao and Xiangbei Liu and Luce Fellow Anisia Tiplea '24—to design new materials for self-powering sensors that can withstand high temperatures.

EARNED: Cameron Wolfe '23 has earned the 2022-23 Mazilu Engineering Research Fellowship to support his work with Professor Laura Ray on applications of machine learning and controls.

PUBLISHED: Ryan Chapman Th'18 and Professor Doug Van Citters published their research on using wearable devices to track shoulder rehab as coauthors of "Using Inertial Measurement Units to Quantify Shoulder Elevation after Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty" in ScienceDirect.

NAMED: Engineering major Lindsay Harley '24 has been named a Stamps Scholar. She plans to use the scholarship to pursue summer enrichment math in the context of sustainable engineering with Professor Vicki May.

PUBLISHED: PhD students Md Saifur Rahman, Julia Huddy, and Andrew Hamlin, with Professor William Scheideler, have published their research on "Broadband mechanoresponsive liquid metal sensors" in the August issue of npj Flexible Electronics.

NAMED: MEM candidate Srishti Chaudhary has been named Nutanix Advancing Women in Technology Scholar. One of two chosen in the United States, she will receive up to $10,000 to apply her "passion for technology while advancing women in the field."

PROFILED: Dean Alexis Abramson was featured in Authority Magazine's "Lessons From Inspirational Women in STEM and Tech" series and discussed "instilling human values in tech education" with Insider Intelligence.

HONORED: Thayer research associate Kasia Warburton won the 2022 Institute of Physics Early Career Lecturer Award for her talk on "Subglacial Soft Matter" at the 6th Edwards Symposium on Soft Matter for the 21st Century.

PUBLISHED: PhD student Andrew Pike is coauthor of "Unlocking the thermoelectric potential of the Ca14AISb11 structure type," published in September in Science Advances.

SELECTED: Professors Jiwon Lee, Colin Meyer, and Liz Murnane have each earned a $250,000 Neukom Institute CompX Faculty Grant to support development of novel computational techniques and the application of computational methods to their research.

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