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Coronavirus Shutdown Forces Research Ship to Break Out of Arctic Ice

“Ideally, we would not leave the ice — but given all the circumstances, I think it’s amazing we were able to come up with a solution to continue the experiment,” says Donald Perovich, a geophysicist at Dartmouth College in Hanover.

Apr 27, 2020

The Dartmouth

On Reframing Spring

Dartmouth student Cristian Cano '20 reflects on taking ENGS 12, “Design Thinking" virtually this term.

Apr 23, 2020

Physics World

Spreading Tattoo Ink Reveals Radiation-Induced Necrosis

"In the last few years, our lab has done a great deal of radiotherapy research focused on imaging the radiation beam delivered to the patient in real time using time-gated Cherenkov imaging,” said Thayer PhD candidate Jennifer Soter.

Apr 14, 2020

The Analytical Scientist

Making the "Breath Biopsy" a Reality

"We hope to explore the opportunity to combine a number of technologies to drive COVID-19 identification," said Associate Professor Jane Hill.

Apr 09, 2020

Africa Portal

Q&A: The Future of Africa's Power Sector

"I came into energy from this scientific perspective, but quickly realised how influential energy is to our lives, underpinning our economic growth and quality of life," said Rosie Mutiso '08 Th'08.

Apr 06, 2020

The Guardian

Ex-Astronaut Launches Training Kit for Coping with Self-Isolation

“It’s challenging to be isolated with a small group of people and to not be able to get away,” said Adjunct Professor of Engineering Jay C. Buckey Jr.

Apr 06, 2020

The Dartmouth

Q&A with Professor Eugene Korsunskiy: Turning Hands-On to Online

"What we’ve done is stepped back and looked at the core skills and learning outcomes that each of our projects seeks to instill in students," said Professor Eugene Korsunskiy.

Apr 03, 2020

The Christian Science Monitor

Comics Are For Kids? This Vermont College Begs to Differ

"I wanted to make engineering friendly and accessible," says Vicki May, Professor of Engineering.

Apr 02, 2020

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