In the News

New Hampshire Union Leader

Dartmouth Professor Working on AI Cancer Cure

“We will impact how we treat cancer and a multitude of complex multi-faceted diseases,” said Dartmouth Engineering Professor Eugene Santos Jr., in an article about an artificial intelligence tool that can help doctors.

Aug 12, 2020

The Dartmouth

Fall classes to be mostly online due to equity concerns, logistical issues

"Very few [faculty members] thought it necessary to have in person lectures, but small design reviews, access to manufacturing equipment and more sophisticated laboratory equipment that simply cannot be found in the home environment motivated these thoughts," said Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education Doug Van Citters ’99 Th’03 Th’06 in an article about fall classes at Dartmouth.

Aug 03, 2020

The Boston Globe

Waltham Startup Focuses on Engineering Antibodies As a Bridge to COVID-19 Vaccine

“You can sit here now and take the position that this is never going to happen again,” said Dartmouth Engineering Professor Tillman Gerngross about the possibility of another coronavirus making the leap from animals to humans. “We take the opposite position."

Jul 16, 2020

Winds of Change


"I’ve really liked the CAD (computer-aided design) side of engineering and the use of 3D design software,” says JJ Jones '21. “This software has combined my love for drawing and building."

Jul 14, 2020


Engineers Search for a Tiny Cure for a Big Problem

"...If we can get more of the drug in the tumor, then we can potentially increase that dose and be more aggressive when we need to," said Catalina-Paula Spatarelu, a PhD candidate.

Jul 07, 2020


Russian Tanker Crosses Arctic in Early Season Voyage as Ice Grows Thinner

To be sure, it is becoming easier to cross the Arctic, given how quickly the ice is melting, said Donald Perovich, engineering professor at Dartmouth College’s Thayer School of Engineering.

Jun 08, 2020

Arctic Today

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Halted Most US Arctic Field Research for 2020

“I actually never thought I would see a pandemic during my life, yet here it is,” said Mary Albert, professor of engineering. “It is very disappointing not to go to Greenland now, but it hasn’t killed our project. It will just be a delay.”

May 26, 2020


Dartmouth researchers studying COVID-19 antibodies

"(We are) trying to understand what helped them get healthy and can we adapt or learn anything from that," said postdoc researcher in the Ackerman Lab, Joshua Weiner, in a piece about COVID-19 antibodies.

May 18, 2020

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