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Quanta Magazine

The Voyage to the End of Ice

Professors Donald Perovich and Christopher Polashenski '07 Th'07 Th'11, as well as Ian Raphael '18 Th'21, are quoted about the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition.

Jan 17, 2020

tbs eFM 101.3

Foreign Case Analysis on Road Accidents Due to Black Ice

Professor&nbsp;Erland Schulson provides expertise regarding black ice on <em>This Morning</em>, an English-language Korean podcast.

Jan 14, 2020

Scientific American

Frozen in Dwindling Ice, a Historic Expedition Finds a "New Arctic"

MS candidate Ian Raphael &#39;18 is quoted about the conclusion of the first leg of the yearlong Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition.

Jan 13, 2020

The Dartmouth

Dartmouth Students Named Marshall, Schwarzman Scholars

Biomedical engineering major Delia Friel &rsquo;20 and Colleen O&#39;Connor &rsquo;19 (human-centered design minor) will begin a year of study at Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China in August 2020.

Jan 10, 2020


Bizarre Phenomenon of Light Flashing From Human Eyes Caught on Camera For First Time

Quotes PhD candidate&nbsp;Irwin Tendler, about a new study he co-authored that found that enough light is being produced inside the eye of patients during radiation therapy to cause visual sensations.

Jan 09, 2020


The hunt for ancient ice that witnessed West Antarctica's collapse

Dartmouth engineering professor&nbsp;Mary Albert is quoted as head of the US Ice Drilling Program, which advises the NSF.

Jan 08, 2020

The Wall Street Journal

One Word Defined Tech Companies' Growth. It Is Now 'Exploding in Their Face.'

For most of their history, the tech companies were so focused on the challenges of fast growth that tending to what was on their platforms wasn&rsquo;t as urgent, says Geoffrey Parker, professor of engineering at Dartmouth.

Jan 03, 2020

The New York Times

Climate Change Is Ravaging the Arctic, Report Finds

&ldquo;It&rsquo;s really showing that we have a system that&rsquo;s under duress,&rdquo; said Donald K. Perovich, a professor of engineering at&nbsp;Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth&nbsp;and the lead author of the report&rsquo;s chapter on sea ice.

Dec 12, 2019

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