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Physics World

Optical imaging provides quality assurance for small radiotherapy beams

A study by PhD student Ramish Ashraf, professor Petr Brůža, MacLean professor Brian Pogue, adjunct professors Ben Williams and David Gladstone, and colleagues at NCCC proved optical scintillation imaging may be effective for cancer treatment monitoring.

Oct 23, 2019

New Scientist

Largest ever polar expedition will soon be frozen in drifting sea ice

Dartmouth engineering professor Don Perovich is quoted as a participant in "the biggest scientific project ever to take place in the Arctic."

Sep 16, 2019


How Sim Shagaya revolutionalised the traditional method of commerce in Nigeria

Profile of Dartmouth MEM alum Simdul Shagaya Th'99, founder of, "an e-commerce platform that changed the traditional method of shopping in the country and in Africa at large."  

Sep 04, 2019

Concord Monitor

Top of the Class: 'It's probably one of my proudest accomplishments, making it through'

Article cites the Dartmouth Emerging Engineers (DEE) program that aims improve the first-year experience of students with an interest in engineering through academic support and mentoring services.

Sep 04, 2019

Valley News

STEM grant links Dartmouth, Montshire to middle schools

Article about the $1.3 million Science Education Partnership Award for a five-year project to connect Dartmouth professors—including engineering professor Vicki May—and the Montshire Museum with public schools to build STEM-focused lessons emphasizing hands-on, student-centered learning.

Aug 30, 2019

The Dartmouth

Quintessential Dartmouth Classes

An opinion piece about how ENGS 12: Design Thinking is "quintessentially Dartmouth" and "beloved by Dartmouth students of all majors."

Aug 30, 2019


Making it in Vermont: Football practice robots inspire military training technology

An article about how Elliot Kastner '13 Th'14 and Quinn Connell '13 Th'14, co-founders of MVP, are tailoring the football tackling dummy for military and law enforcement training.

Aug 22, 2019


Virtual reality and robotic tackling dummies—how Dartmouth is shaping the future of football

Article quotes Eugene "Buddy" Teevens and John Currier '79 Th'81 in a feature story about how Dartmouth is a leader in shaping the future of football with the help of the Mobile Virtual Player. 

Aug 19, 2019

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