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Will Coronavirus Spark the Overdue Platform Revolution in Healthcare?

"While it may be too late to remedy the lack of intercompatibility and platform services for the current crisis, significant change appears to be coming," writes Geoffrey Parker and co-authors.

Mar 23, 2020

Smithsonian Magazine

How Scientists Are Keeping Irreplaceable Research Going During the COVID-19 Pandemic

“We’ll lose the summer data from that and so it will put us back that way… but it’s definitely not a show-stopper,” says Dartmouth Professor Mary Albert in an article about field research cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mar 20, 2020


Airline Coronavirus Crisis Outstrips 2008 Woes, but Bailout Trickier Now, Say Experts

"It's an infectious disease that we're talking about, and the fact that it's traveling country to country and state to state means that the airlines are in the thick of it right from the beginning," said Professor Vikrant Vaze.

Mar 18, 2020

NH Business Review

Tech Tidbits From Around New Hampshire

Eric R. Fossum was named the winner of the 2020 Edwin H. Land Medal by the Optical Society and the Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

Mar 16, 2020

NH Business Review

$3 Million Grant May Help Reduce Unnecessary Breast Biopsies

“We’re hoping that our results are very positive and that this process could be commercialized so women would have access to it across the country," said Professor Keith Paulsen.

Mar 13, 2020


Global sustainable bioenergy project offers a new approach to key bioenergy issues

Dartmouth engineering professor Lee Lynd is interviewed about the future of bioenergy.

Mar 06, 2020


Sustainable energy: a challenge nearly as great as global warming

"Conceived and coordinated by Lee Lynd, a researcher at Dartmouth and a pioneer in the study of converting biomass to energy, the GSB project involves scientists from across the globe seeking a solution to one of the critical problems of our times."

Mar 06, 2020


Bioenergy on Center Stage as Brazilian Research Foundation Marks 50th Anniversary in Washington

Dartmouth engineering Professor Lee Lynd is quoted: “Brazil has plentiful land, BTU-competitive fuel price, a high fraction of flex-fuel vehicles, low greenhouse gas emissions and demonstrated social and environmental benefits.”

Mar 06, 2020

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