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MEng: Mechanical, Operations & Systems Engineering

Mechanical, operations, and systems engineering leverages fundamental principles of physics, economics, human behavior, and advanced computing to innovate in a wide array of application domains—from fluid and thermal systems, climate change, energy, and infrastructure, to healthcare, cybersecurity, and information systems.

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Course Requirements

The program consists of nine courses, of which five should be from the list of core courses. The remaining four electives can consist of any graduate-level engineering or science courses at Dartmouth.

Please note: The information below reflects degree requirements, effective as of Fall 2024.


Core Courses

5 courses

Choose 5 courses, all from one subfield:

Mechanical Engineering
ENGS 91: Numerical Methods in Computation
ENGS 92: Fourier Transforms and Complex Variables
ENGS 93 or ENGG 193: Statistical Methods in Engineering
ENGS 100: Methods in Applied Mathematics I
ENGS 105: Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations I
ENGS 130: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
ENGS 131: Science of Solid State Materials
ENGS 142: Intermediate Solid Mechanics
ENGS 145: Modern Control Theory
ENGS 146: Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering Design
ENGS 147: Mechatronics
ENGG 148: Structural Mechanics
ENGG 149: Introduction to Systems Identification
ENGS 150: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
ENGS 155: Intermediate Thermodynamics
ENGS 156: Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer
ENGS 173: Energy Utilization
ENGG 230: Fatigue and Fracture

Operations Research & Analytics
ENGS 93 or ENGG 193: Statistical Methods in Engineering
: Math for Machine Learning
ENGS 103: Operations Research
ENGG 107: Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Computation
ENGS 108: Applied Machine Learning or COSC 274: Machine Learning and Statistical Data Analysis
ENGS 112: Modern Information Technologies
ENGS 145: Modern Control Theory
ENGG 149: Introduction to Systems Identification
ENGG 177: Decision-Making under Uncertainty
ENGG 182: Data Analytics
ENGG 184: Introduction to Optimization Methods
ENGG 199.09: Game-theoretic Design, Learning and Engineering
COSC 184: Mathematical Optimization and Modeling
COSC 276: Artificial Intelligence
MATH 106: Stochastic Processes & Uncertainty Quantification
QBS 180: Data Visualization

Industrial & Systems Engineering
ENGS 91: Numerical Methods in Computation
ENGS 92: Fourier Transforms and Complex Variables
ENGS 93 or ENGG 193: Statistical Methods in Engineering
ENGS 103: Operations Research
ENGS 105: Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations I
ENGG 107: Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Computation
ENGS 108: Applied Machine Learning or
ENGS 145: Modern Control Theory
ENGS 147: Mechatronics
ENGG 149: Introduction to System Identification
ENGS 175: Energy Systems
ENGG 177: Decision-Making under Uncertainty
ENGG 182: Data Analytics
ENGG 184: Introduction to Optimization Methods
ENGM 191: Product Design and Development
ENGG 199.02: Model Based Systems Engineering
ENGG 199.08: Post-Modern and Non-Linear Control
ENGG 199.09: Game-theoretic Design, Learning and Engineering
COSC 269: Multirobot Systems
QBS 140/PH 121: Decision & Cost Effectiveness Analysis
QBS 180: Data Visualization

Climate, Environment, and Energy
ENGS 91: Numerical Methods in Computation
ENGS 93 or ENGG 193: Statistical Methods in Engineering
ENGS 103: Operations Research
ENGS 105: Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations I
ENGG 107: Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Computation
ENGS 139.1: Polar Science & Engineering: Solidification, Sea Ice, Strength & Fracture of Ice
ENGS 139.2: Polar Science & Engineering: Physics & Chemistry of Ice, Polar Glaciology, Remote Sensing
ENGS 145: Modern Control Theory
ENGS 151: Environmental Fluid Mechanics
ENGS 171: Industrial Ecology
ENGS 172: Climate Change and Engineering
ENGS 172.2: Techno-economic Analysis in a Developing Country Context
ENGS 173: Energy Utilization
ENGS 174: Energy Conversion
ENGS 175: Energy Systems
ENGG 177: Decision-Making under Uncertainty
ENGM 191: Product Design and Development
ENGG 199.02: Model Based Systems Engineering

General MOS
Work with your advisor to pick any combination of five core courses from the above four subfields.


4 courses

Choose 4 courses, from the following:

Engineering & Science*
Students may choose electives from any graduate-level engineering courses or science courses as long as at least 5 of the 9 total required courses are in engineering (ENGS or ENGG).

Design Project
Students may take one of the following options to partially fulfill the four-course elective requirement. The appropriate option will depend on each student’s prior experience and coursework since the two tracks require different prerequisites.

Option 1 (1 course)

  • ENGM 191: Product Design and Development

Option 2 (2 courses)

  • ENGS 190: Engineering Design and Methodology Project Initiation
  • ENGS 290: Engineering Design Methodology and Project Completion

* With the exception of ENGM 191: Product Design and Development, MEng students may not take ENGM courses for credit.