- Undergraduate
Bachelor's Degrees
Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of EngineeringDual-Degree ProgramUndergraduate AdmissionsUndergraduate Experience
- Graduate
Graduate Experience
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Research Interests
High-frequency and chip-scale power electronics; photovoltaic and electrochemical system management; sensor interfaces and energy scavenging; integrated circuit design (analog/mixed signal, RF, power, and embedded applications); communications electronics; technology entrepreneurship
- BA, Physics, Colby College 1999
- BE, Engineering Sciences, Dartmouth 2000
- MS, Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley 2006
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley 2008
Selected Publications
- J.T. Stauth, "Pathways to mm-scale DC-DC converters: Trends, opportunities, and limitations," IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2018.
- C. Schaef and J.T. Stauth, "A Highly Integrated Series–Parallel Switched-Capacitor Converter With 12 V Input and Quasi-Resonant Voltage-Mode Regulation," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 456–464, June 2018.
- S.R. Pasternak, M.H. Kiani, J.S. Rentmeister and J.T. Stauth, "Modeling and Performance Limits of Switched-Capacitor DC–DC Converters Capable of Resonant Operation With a Single Inductor," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1746–1760, Dec. 2017.
- C. Schaef, E. Din and J.T. Stauth, "10.2 A digitally controlled 94.8%-peak-efficiency hybrid switched-capacitor converter for bidirectional balancing and impedance-based diagnostics of lithium-ion battery arrays," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2017.
- J.S. Rentmeister and J.T. Stauth, "A 48V:2V flying capacitor multilevel converter using current-limit control for flying capacitor balance," IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2017.
- E. Din, C. Schaef, K. Moffat and J.T. Stauth, "A Scalable Active Battery Management System With Embedded Real-Time Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 5688–5698, July 2017.
- M.H. Kiani and J.T. Stauth, "Optimization and comparison of hybrid-resonant switched capacitor DC-DC converter topologies," IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2017.
- C. Schaef, E. Din and J.T. Stauth, "A Hybrid Switched-Capacitor Battery Management IC With Embedded Diagnostics for Series-Stacked Li–Ion Arrays," in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 3142–3154, Dec. 2017.
- K. Kesarwani, R. Sangwan and J.T. Stauth, "Resonant-Switched Capacitor Converters for Chip-Scale Power Delivery: Design and Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 6966–6977, Dec. 2015.
- C. Schaef, K. Kesarwani and J.T. Stauth, "20.2 A variable-conversion-ratio 3-phase resonant switched capacitor converter with 85% efficiency at 0.91W/mm2 using 1.1nH PCB-trace inductors," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC), 2015.
- J.T. Stauth, M.D. Seeman and K. Kesarwani, "Resonant Switched-Capacitor Converters for Sub-module Distributed Photovoltaic Power Management," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1189–1198, March 2013.
- ENGS 32: Electronics: Introduction to Linear and Digital Circuits
- ENGG 199.14: High Frequency and Switching Electronic Circuits
- ENGS 125: Power Electronics and Electromechanical Energy Conversion
- ENGS 61: Intermediate Electrical Circuits