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Engineering Majors and Modified Majors

Dartmouth embraces a systems-based, interdisciplinary approach to equip you with both breadth and depth across engineering disciplines. You will pursue engineering within the context of the liberal arts to help deepen your understanding of the world—and to prepare you to make a difference in it.

For additional information about majors, courses, and degree requirements:

Guide to Programs & Courses


Engineering Sciences

Engineering sciences majors learn to synthesize concepts and draw expertise from multiple engineering fields, with opportunities to collaborate with faculty on graduate-level research.

More about the Engineering Sciences Major

Biomedical Engineering

The biomedical engineering sciences major is designed for students who plan to pursue medical school. Faculty from Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth jointly advise research.

More about the Biomedical Engineering Major

Engineering Physics

The engineering physics major, offered jointly with Dartmouth's Department of Physics and Astronomy, is for students in studying the intersection of both engineering and physics.

More about the Engineering Physics Major

Modified Majors

Engineering Sciences Modified with Other Discipline

Engineering majors who want a cross-disciplinary program to address a specific academic interest may modify the major with biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, environmental sciences, public policy, studio art, or other discipline.

More about the Modified Engineering Sciences Major

Other Major Modified with Engineering Sciences

Other Dartmouth majors may be modified with engineering sciences, with necessary approvals. The major consists of 10 courses, six from the other major and four from engineering sciences, as well as all required engineering prerequisites.

More about Other Majors Modified w/ Engineering

Other Major Modified with Human-Centered Design

Other Dartmouth majors may be modified with human-centered design, with necessary approvals. The major requires three prerequisites, plus four course electives selected from "Ethnographic Methods and Human Factors/Psychology" and "Design."

More about Other Majors modified w/ HCD

Declaring Your Major

Ready to declare your major?

Step 1:

Meet with your engineering faculty advisor early to develop a plan of study prior to declaring your engineering major.

Step 2:

Use the DartWorks system to plan and submit your declaration.

Step 3:

Select the correct major:

  • Engineering Sciences = ENGS
  • Engineering Physics with Engineering as the culminating = ENPH
  • Biomedical Engineering = EBIO
  • Modified Majors = Modified A

Step 4:

List distributive courses that only pertain directly to your major.

  • For example, the standard engineering sciences major should only have ENGS 21 through your Culminating Experience listed on the planner.
  • If you put any distributive courses on your planner that don't pertain directly to your major, your major declaration will be denied.

Step 5:

In the Notes, list both your Culminating Experience and the name of the engineering faculty advisor you consulted to develop this plan.

Step 6:

Track the status of your request in your DartWorks Dashboard. When the status of your request shows as “Declared,” you have officially declared your major or minor. If the status is “Denied/Unlocked,” follow the instructions from your advisor to adjust your plan, then resubmit your request. To make changes to an approved plan, please refer to the Dartworks Student User Guide.

Please note: No more than two transfer courses may be used for credit in the major.


For additional information and guidance, contact Undergraduate Program Director Jenna Wheeler or visit the Academic and Student Affairs Office in MacLean 103.

Academic Standing and Honors

Minimum GPA Requirements

AB students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in the courses required to fulfill majors of engineering sciences, engineering physics, and biomedical engineering, and all modified majors.

Honors Program in Engineering Sciences

AB students with an overall grade point average of 3.0 with a 3.33 grade point average in the major are eligible for the Honors Program in Engineering Sciences.