In the News


Why Rural Americans Are (and Aren't) Adopting Renewable Energy

Professor Erin Mayfield is quoted about her study of a correlation between the adoption of clean energy tech in rural areas and a few key demographic factors. "We were able to find that adoption of these technologies is highly related to income [and education]," Mayfield said.

Nov 22, 2023

Working Nation

One Ivy League college hopes to broaden career access with the first online master’s degree in engineering program

Dean Alexis Abramson is featured highlighting Dartmouth's partnership with Coursera to launch a fully online MEng degree. "We have a distinctive approach...We attract a lot of women and historically marginalized populations to the engineering program...and really wanted to reach a broader audience."

Nov 09, 2023


The Knowledge Base: Dartmouth Takes a Human-Centered Approach

Dean Alexis Abramson is interviewed on this podcast about how the ethos of Thayer differs from other schools. "We encourage our students to take philosophy, anthropology, English, and studio art. We want them to figure out how to integrate those learnings into engineering. We're all about bringing all that together," says Abramson.

Nov 02, 2023

The Dartmouth

Transportation Services to expand electric vehicle initiatives

Professor Vikrant Vaze is quoted in a story about initiatives to increase electric vehicle usage on campus. "I think [EVs] are challenging right now [due to] the costs involved. You can't just ask a lay person to put in the $50,000 or $100,000 and then buy a new car. There has to be other ways of incentivizing this."

Oct 23, 2023


Women Leaders at Six Top Research Universities Urge More Diversity in Semiconductor Workforce

Dean Alexis Abramson is featured in an article about the EDGE Consortium, an initiative aimed at increasing diversity in microelectronics, being launched by the women presidents and engineering deans at six universities. "We wanted people with a real commitment to increasing diversity," Abramson said.

Oct 20, 2023


A New Study Points to a Key Window of Opportunity to Save Greenland's Ice Sheet

Professor Hélène Seroussi is featured in an article about the Greenland ice sheet. "The larger the overshoot, the less time you have to respond and start removing the CO2," Seroussi said.

Oct 18, 2023


Mira Murati, the Young CTO of OpenAI, is Building ChatGPT and Shaping Your Future

Chief technology officer of OpenAI, Mira Murati Th'12, is featured. "I think the downside is a race to the bottom on safety," Murati said of competition in AI.

Oct 05, 2023

The New York Times

Here’s Life on an Expedition to Track Declining Arctic Ice

PhD student Ian Raphael '18 is pictured twice in an article about the "ArcWatch" Arctic expedition that includes more than 50 scientists and engineers using specialized instruments—including ice mass balance buoys developed at Thayer that are part of an Arctic-wide autonomous observation network.

Sep 22, 2023

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