In the News

Valley News

A pipeline that can mitigate global warming?

Professor Dan Olson authored a column about "the development of new pipeline projects, this time to transport CO2 for long-term storage in underground rock formations," and how "these pipelines may be critical to help prevent climate change."

Jan 26, 2024

The New Yorker

How Much of the World Is It Possible to Model?

An opinion piece by Dan Rockmore, professor of mathematics and computer science, credits professors David Roberts and Keith Paulsen Th'84 Th'86 with an example of how common mathematical modeling now is. "Today, descendants of the Roberts and Paulsen model are routinely used to plan neurosurgeries. Modelling, in general, is now routine," writes Rockmore.

Jan 15, 2024


Why the S&P 500 is destined to keep crushing the Russell 2000

Professor Geoffrey Parker is cited in an article about a 'winner-take-all' economy. Parker argues alongside Thomas Noe of Oxford University that so-called "network effects" in an internet economy would increasingly result in industries being dominated by their largest companies

Jan 04, 2024

Nature Communications

A good-for-something second brain

Mentions Professor Brian Pogue to introduce an essay by Rachael Hachadorian Th'21 describing the highs and lows of taking a research project from hypothesis to publication. "The vast majority of my research motivation comes from a gratitude, almost a debt, that I feel I owe to medical doctors," writes Hachadorian.

Jan 03, 2024


Coursera's CEO says leveraging AI in online learning is key to a more accessible, flexible education experience in 2024

Dartmouth's new online master's degree in computer engineering is mentioned in an article about leveraging AI in the online learning sphere.

Jan 02, 2024

The Coursera Podcast

Making Ivy League Degrees More Accessible

Dean Alexis Abramson describes how she and her team created Dartmouth's first fully online degree—a Master of Engineering in computer engineering—offering unprecedented access to an Ivy League degree in a rapidly evolving field.

Dec 20, 2023


Why Rural Americans Are (and Aren't) Adopting Renewable Energy

Professor Erin Mayfield is quoted about her study of a correlation between the adoption of clean energy tech in rural areas and a few key demographic factors. "We were able to find that adoption of these technologies is highly related to income [and education]," Mayfield said.

Nov 22, 2023

Working Nation

One Ivy League college hopes to broaden career access with the first online master’s degree in engineering program

Dean Alexis Abramson is featured highlighting Dartmouth's partnership with Coursera to launch a fully online MEng degree. "We have a distinctive approach...We attract a lot of women and historically marginalized populations to the engineering program...and really wanted to reach a broader audience."

Nov 09, 2023

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