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BioWorld Today

Dartmouth Takes Holistic Approach In Triaging IP

Professor and entrepreneur Tillman Gerngross comments about research universities looking for better ways to triage the value of their faculty's scientific and technological discoveries.

Aug 12, 2013

Scientific American

Fuel for Thought: Travels in Tanzania

In a blog entry for Scientific American, Rachel Margolese ’16 of Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering (DHE) writes about working in Tanzania this summer to promote sustainable and cost-effective cooking fuel.

Aug 07, 2013

The Dartmouth

Groups foster entrepreneurship

Trip Davis ’90 is working with associate provost and professor of engineering Tillman Gerngross to develop the role of Dartmouth's new Office of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer.

Aug 06, 2013


Tillman Gerngross' Plan to Revamp Tech Transfer at Dartmouth

Dartmouth has an innovation problem. It’s looking now to one of the area’s most successful biotech entrepreneurs to solve it.

Jul 25, 2013

NH Union Leader

Prouty cyclist supports own work on cancer research

When Adjunct Professor of Engineering Jack Hoopes does his pioneering research into battling breast cancer, his work is partially paid for with money from the fundraiser known as The Prouty.</p>

Jul 11, 2013


Vaccine research gets a shot in the arm

Professor Margaret Ackerman is quoted in this article about advances in biotechnology increasing the opportunities to develop new vaccines &ndash; and careers.</p>

Jun 17, 2013


Who should run the world? Girls!

Professor Vicki May is quoted in this independent supplement from Mediaplanet to the Washington Post on STEM education.</p>

Jun 10, 2013

The Dartmouth

Graduate programs celebrate investitures

Thayer expects to award 100 bachelor&rsquo;s degrees, 51 master&rsquo;s of engineering management, six master&rsquo;s of science and 21 PhD degrees in engineering sciences.

Jun 08, 2013

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