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The Boston Globe

Energy storage a key to wind, solar backup

Founded by Professor Charles Hutchinson and three Dartmouth engineering Ph.D. graduates&mdash;Dax Kepshire Th&#39;06, &#39;09, Ben Bollinger &#39;04 Th&#39;04, &#39;08, and Troy McBride Th&#39;01&mdash;SustainX aims to capture wind &amp; solar power and release it to the electrical grid when it&#39;s most needed.</p>

Nov 01, 2011

The Dartmouth

SustainX obtains first energy patent

SustainX, which grew out of work conducted at Thayer School of Engineering, received its first U.S. patent last week for a new energy storage technique.

Nov 01, 2011

Engineering News-Record

Staying Smart: Engineers and Universities Advance Career-Long Learning

Universities are reaching out to practitioners at all career stages, and employers see value in offering or supporting lifelong learning as a retention tool. Dean Helble is quoted on page 2.</p>

Oct 27, 2011

The Dartmouth

Students form new Thai culture group

The Tuk-Tuk Dartmouth Thai Association&mdash;a new student group awaiting official approval from the Council on Student Organizations&mdash;provides support for Dartmouth engineering exchange students and others.

Oct 24, 2011

The Huffington Post

Rev 7: The World's First Removable, Biodegradable Gum?

Worldwide, humans chew some 560,000 tons of gum per year. In the absense of any official reports on its environmental impact, findings of a student project from Professor Cushman-Roisin&#39;s Industrial Ecology class are cited.</p>

Oct 17, 2011


How Green Is My Wintergreen?

Assessing the environmental impact of chewing gum: findings of a student project from Professor Cushman-Roisin&#39;s Industrial Ecology class is cited.</p>

Oct 17, 2011

The Dartmouth

MEMs see high employment rates

Students in the Thayer School of Engineering&rsquo;s Master of Engineering Management degree program experience consistently high success rates in finding employment through a substantial support network operated through both Thayer and Tuck School of Business.

Oct 17, 2011

The Dartmouth

Internet use decreases privacy, Davidow says

The Internet contributes to modern-day problems such as stock market volatility, according to venture capitalist Bill Davidow &rsquo;57 Th&rsquo;58.

Oct 05, 2011

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