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Burlington Free Press

MicroStrain partners with Dartmouth

MicroStrain, Inc., a Williston-based manufacturer of high-tech sensors, has teamed up with Dartmouth&#39;s Thayer School of Engineering to speed the transformation of ideas into businesses through NSF&#39;s Partnerships for Innovation program.</p>

Oct 04, 2011

Campus Technology

Virtual Tour de Force

Dartmouth&#39;s Thayer School of Engineering started using 360-degree panoramic tours to show off its campus to new recruits in late 2009.</p>

Oct 04, 2011


Brentwood native travels to Rwanda to install turbine

Brentwood resident and Dartmouth graduate, Emily Porter, returned home from a two-month stint in Rwanda, where she worked with a group of seven other students to develop a turbine generated hydro-electric power system with the hopes of bringing electricity to a remote village.</p>

Oct 04, 2011

Mass High Tech

New England scores seven ARPA-E awards

Included in seven new research projects from universities and organizations in Massachusetts and New Hampshire funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) is Professor Ian Baker&#39;s development of bulk nanocrystalline manganese-aluminum alloys with improved magnetic properties.</p>

Sep 30, 2011

The Baltimore Sun

Gilman grad competing on NBC show 'The Sing-off'

Eric Preston Suan performs with The Dartmouth Aires on NBC&#39;s "The Sing-off." They are competing for a top prize of $200,000 and a recording contract.</p>

Sep 28, 2011

The Dartmouth

Thayer studies granted $2.5 mil.

Thayer School of Engineering recently secured nearly $2.5 million in grants to fund research projects focusing on sports-related concussions, Arctic sea ice behavior and real-world business skill development.

Sep 26, 2011

The Boston Globe

Texting system reveals fake drugs

Ashifi Gogo, a native of Ghana and graduate of Thayer School&#39;s engineering Ph.D. Innovation Program, developed the technology as a class project while at Dartmouth.</p>

Sep 26, 2011

The Dartmouth

Students help deliver power to rural Rwanda

Student members of Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering embark on a two-month quest to improve the hydroelectric power in Rwanda&rsquo;s remotest region.

Sep 26, 2011

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