In the News

The Dartmouth

Thayer evaluates machine safety

Students working in the Thayer School of Engineering machine shop must tie back their hair and wear hats while using equipment.

Jul 28, 2011

NewsChannel 5 - WPTZ

Dartmouth Reacts To Yale Machine Accident: Thayer Ramps Up Safety Measures

After the Yale accident, Kevin Baron, manager of Thayer School&#39;s machine shop, increased supervision so no one would ever be working alone in the shop.</p>

Jul 28, 2011


Spotlight On Design for America: DfA x Dartmouth

DfA&#39;s founder Liz Gerber first found inspiration for unconventional design education during Dartmouth&#39;s outdoors freshmen orientation. "I realized the potential of peer-to-peer learning and transformation outside of the traditional classroom,"...</p>

Jul 28, 2011

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

Skype Career Fair Allows Students and Recruiters to 'Meet' Face-to-Face

Thayer School&#39;s career services staff&mdash;made up of Jennifer St. Laurence and director Holly Wilkinson&mdash;worked with the IT team to put on the School&#39;s first virtual career fair.</p>

Jul 28, 2011

The Dartmouth

Students present global health care initiatives

A team of Dartmouth students presented its proposed solution to a hypothetical global health problem in East Africa that earned an honorable mention in Emory University&rsquo;s Global Health Case Competition.

Jul 28, 2011

The Dartmouth

Chu addresses renewable energy

U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu discussed his concerns about renewable energy sources for Thayer School&#39;s 3rd Annual Great Issues in Energy Symposium: Energy Innovation and America&#39;s Competitiveness.

Jul 28, 2011

Mass High Tech

SustainX blows open funding round to add $5.6M

SustainX Inc., an energy storage technology company based in West Lebanon, N.H., has bumped its recent funding round up by an additional $5.6 million and added new backer General Catalyst Partners to the investor mix.</p>

Jul 28, 2011


You've Never Heard of Them, but They've Changed Your Life

Steven Sasson, Eric Fossum, Joseph Woodland, Bernard Silver. You&rsquo;ve almost definitely never heard of them, but they&rsquo;ve changed your life in ways that affect you just about every day. They are among the inventors who were inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.</p>

Jul 28, 2011

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