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Portraits of Leadership: 2018 Class Marshals

Jun 13, 2018   |   by Joseph Blumberg   |   Dartmouth News

Each year, class marshals are selected by their fellow students on the basis of good citizenship, enthusiasm, integrity, and positive impact on others. The marshals carry batons engraved with their names as they lead their classmates to the Green during the commencement procession. [Maria Rapetti Th’18 and Shaun Sengupta ’17 Th’18 were among the 19 graduates chosen by their fellow students for their service and initiative.]

Maria Rapetti Th’18

Hometown: Montevideo, Uruguay

Degree: Master of Engineering Management

Maria Repetti

Maria Agustina Rapetti is an enthusiastic catalyst of change who understands technology and business and is deply interested in human-centered design. Born and raised in Uruguay, she moved to the United States to complete her Master of Engineering Management degree at Thayer School of Engineering. Fascinated by the power of unlocking the creative potential of individuals, since last winter she has enjoyed working as the lead teaching assistant of the “Design Thinking” course at Thayer. She collaborated with the professors of the course and guided students through their learning the tools and mindsets of human-centered design. Prior to working at the College, she led an independent organizational improvement project for a nonprofit organization, and worked as a project manager for three years. She is continuously seeking to apply her hybrid set of skills to find solutions to complex challenges and generate a positive impact in the world.

Favorite place: Sanborn reading room

“To me, Sanborn libary represents Dartmouth in a nutshell. Sanborn is a quiet, cozy, and motivating space. The wooden architecture sparks instant conciousness of the traditions and history of the school. Whenever I get to the library I look for a balcony spot. Surrounded by the fascinating atmosphere, I feel hungry to learn, dive deeper into my work, and grateful of the opportunity of being part of Dartmouth College.”

Shaun Sengupta ’17 Th’18

Hometown: Secaucus, NJ

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Shaun Sengupta

Shaun Sengupta arrived at Dartmouth knowing that he wanted to pursue engineering. Through his studies in electrical and then mechanical engineering, Sengupta found his interest in embedded systems. He combined this interest with his love for cars and automotive technology through his involvement in Dartmouth Formula Racing (DFR). This past May, he and his DFR teammates won first place in the hybrid vehicle category at the annual Formula Hybrid competition, a first in team history. This summer, after graduation, Sengupta will cycle in the Prouty and travel to cities throughout the US and Europe. Sengupta plans to launch his engineering career this fall in the New York City area.

Favorite place: Allyn Lab in Thayer

“At Dartmouth, I channeled the great majority of my time into Dartmouth Formula Racing. As DFR finds its home in Allyn, I’ve spent countless hours here with my teammates designing and building components for our race car, pulling late nights to get our car ready for competition, and resolving system malfunctions. This lab was my engineering amusement park, providing me with the tools and opportunities to explore various technical interests. I have many great memories doing racecar things with my racecar friends here in Allyn, and I look forward to staying involved with the team by mentoring future generations of DFR.”


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