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At Formula Hybrid Competition, Building Cars Is As Big As Racing Them

It’s race season again at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. ... It’s time for the Formula Hybrid Competition. To learn more about this year's event, we turn to David Brooks.

May 07, 2014

Valley News

New Hampshire Hosts Formula Hybrid Competition

New Hampshire Motor Speedway is hosting Dartmouth College’s 8th annual Formula Hybrid Competition, founded and run by the school’s Thayer School of Engineering.

May 07, 2014

Concord Monitor

Engineering students to race hybrid cars at New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon

For the eighth consecutive year, Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering will hold its Formula Hybrid Competition, which brings college engineering students from around the world to Loudon for the four-day event.

May 07, 2014

The Dartmouth

Workshop addresses community on campus

The IDEO innovation seminar asked participants to design a product or opportunity that would strengthen personal connections and relationships on campus.

Apr 22, 2014


The Future Of Genomics In Cancer Care

Dartmouth engineer Sean Hogan ’88, VP of Healthcare, IBM, explains why genomic medicine is one of the greatest advances in treating cancer.

Apr 08, 2014


Prostate cancer: Increasing the potential of prostate biopsies with bioimpedance spectroscopy

Professor Ryan Halter's research is cited in this review artice about integrating electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) into the 12-core biopsy protocol.

Apr 07, 2014


The 2014 Midas List: More Liberal Arts-Trained Tech Investors Than You Might Expect

Six Dartmouth alumni, including three Dartmouth engineers, made the 2014 “Midas List”—those Forbes considers the best venture capitalists in the world.

Mar 31, 2014

The Dartmouth

Students, faculty support Thayer expansion

Students and faculty interviewed said they support the expansion, announced by College President Phil Hanlon last November.

Mar 27, 2014

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