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Engineering PhD Student Wins Anna Valicek Bronze Medal

Jan 17, 2018

Dartmouth engineering PhD candidate Keji Wei was a bronze medalist for the 2017 Anna Valicek graduate student paper competition sponsored by the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS).

Keji Wei
PhD candidate Keji Wei

"This work was done with my advisor, Professor Vikrant Vaze. He helped me a lot to compete for this award," says Wei who's paper was entitled, "Modeling Crew Itineraries and Delays in the National Air Transportation System."

The award letter states, "The council felt your submission was innovative and directly relevant to the needs of the AGIFORS Community and the airline industry. Furthermore, your research was well written and documented. The presentation you gave at the 57th Annual AGIFORS meeting in London, England was well received by our international audience and evidence of your understanding of the problem, accomplishment and novelty."

"This is a prestigious award from AGIFORS," says Vaze. "Keji was selected from a large pool of applicants across the world."

The AGIFORS Council established the Silver and Bronze Anna Valicek Medals "to promote original and innovative research in the application of Operations Research to civil airline and/or civil airline related business problems."

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