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Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Sciences Center

Explore floor-by-floor what goes on inside the new Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science Center (ECSC).

Level Two

The top-most level of ECSC houses Dartmouth Engineering's Engles Biotechnology Lab and the Lord Family Energy Technology Labs, along with the Department of Computer Science's Visual Computing and Machine Learning Labs and the Security and Trust Lab. This floor connects to the MacLean Engineering Science Center via the sunlit Opus Foundation Bridge.

Level two ecsc

Engles Biotechnology Lab

For the design and development of bio-inspired technologies, from quantum and nanoelectronic circuits to tissue engineering. The lab leverages expertise across engineering, medicine, and physics.

Lord Family Energy Technology Lab

For the development of renewable, cost-effective energy sources—including cellulosic biofuels—that benefit humanity and the environment.

Visual Computing & Machine Learning Lab

For developing models to imitate and enhance intelligent human behavior. The lab draws on data and domains such as music, text, images, and networks.

Security & Trust Lab

For building trustworthy intelligent systems in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and energy. The lab explores hardware, machine learning, ethnography, and
human behavior.

Level One

This level houses Dartmouth Engineering's Biotechnology Labs, Department of Computer Science's Reality and Robotics Las, as well as the 80-seat technology-enabled active learning (TEAL) classroom. The floor is connected to MacLean Engineering Sciences Center via the Opus Foundation Bridge.

Biotechnology Lab

For biological and chemical engineering faculty to collaborate on research ranging from bio-inspired systems to cancer therapeutics and vaccine design.

Reality & Robotics Lab

For research at the intersection of the digital and physical worlds, including robotics, 3D fabrication, sensing, and augmented reality.

80-Seat TEAL Classroom

Features smart technology and flexible room configurations idea for the “flipped classroom” approach and other learning strategies that optimize the in-class experience.

Ground Level

The ground floor houses the new Stuart Family Design Commons, along with the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship and its Digital Applied Learning and Innovation Lab, the Harold Edward Cable Makerspace, and the Department of Computer Science's Health X Lab. The floor opens to the MacLean Balcony, which overlooks the Sorbarro Terrace.

ground level ecsc

Stuart Family Design Commons

Serves as headquarters for the Design Initiative at Dartmouth and houses the Design Loft, design research lab and classroom, and a 48-seat TEAL classroom.

Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship

Supports Dartmouth community on the path to entrepreneurship with co-curricular education and experiences, startup funding resources, and networking opportunities. Housed within Magnuson is the Digital Applied Learning and Innovation (DALI) Lab.

Harold Edward Cable Makerspace

Where students can take an idea and experiment with tools and technology to start the design-and-build process.

Health X Lab

For research on implantable and wearable healthcare and monitoring devices to advance understanding of people, behaviors, health, and security.

Garden Level

This level houses a second Couch Project Lab, Dartmouth's Electron Microscopy Suite, the Class of 1971 Emerging Technologies Labs, and the soon-to-be Sudikoff Advanced Materials Lab. In addition, the Garden Level opens to the beautiful Sorbarro Terrace, an outdoor patio for outdoor study or gatherings. The level connects via an underground tunnel to the MacLean Engineering Sciences Center.

Class of 1971 Emerging Technologies Labs

Both a classroom and a lab, houses student work that pushes the boundaries between technology and art. Work includes AR/VR development, 3D modeling and animation, UI/UX design, and 3D fabrication.

Electron Microscopy Suite

Home to Dartmouth’s state-of-the-art scanning and transmission electron microscopes and critical research tools for materials science engineering, chemistry, biological sciences, and medicine. The suite is designed to be free from vibration and electromagnetic interference.

Couch Project Lab II

One of two workspaces designed for project-centered and team-based learning. This versatile lab includes an adjacent studio classroom.

Sudikoff Advanced Materials Lab

For developing materials for advanced applications in energy, medicine, and other areas, from high-tech solar photovoltaics to enhanced artificial joints.

Back of the Napkin Café

Grab-and-go style eatery near work booths to allow for collaboration over snacks and coffee.

Emily and Errik Anderson Parking Garage

Three-level underground parking garage with EV charging stations, as well as bicycle parking and storage.