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PhD Program Plan

During your first term as a PhD student, the faculty help you develop a full program plan to fulfill the PhD requirements, which you submit to the Thayer Registrar before the beginning of your second term. 

The PhD program of study is developed based on your individual background and professional interests in consultation with your advisor and special advisory committee. Up to half these courses may be taken in science departments outside of engineering.

Before Creating Your Plan

Form a special advisory committee in consultation with your advisor that includes three faculty: your research advisor, at least one Thayer faculty member whose research interests are different from your own, and a third Thayer faculty member.

Schedule a meeting with each of member of your special advisory committee, either as a group or individually. The committee will assist you in identifying an individual program that fulfills the PhD program requirements and also encourages you to pursue opportunities for professional and career development. Consider your Special Advisory Committee as a resource.

Resources for Your Plan

Create Your Plan

  1. Log into DartHub.
  2. Click on All Tiles and then the Course Program Plan tile.
  3. Select PhD Program Plan, which leads to the form pictured below. Enter your selected courses.
  4. Click Continue to generate a pdf of your plan.
  5. You will also need to create a separate Word document, the Technical Breadth Narrative, to submit alongside your program plan.
    Thayer believes that a well-educated engineer can communicate beyond their dissertation area and, therefore, has a breadth requirement. In describing the rationale for your breadth courses, you should be emphasizing how these are different from your area of specialization. You may need to give a bit more info about your dissertation area to help your Special Advisory Committee discern why courses with similar titles are actually distinct.
  6. Sign your program plan and then get the signatures of your Special Advisory Committee members.
  7. Once approved and signed by your Special Advisory Committee, submit your program plan to the Thayer Registrar (hard copy delivered to 103 MacLean or email attachment sent to is acceptable). The Registrar will review and then provide it to the director of the MS/PhD Program for final approval. You will be notified when this approval is granted.

If you deviate from your program plan, log back into DartHub to amend your plan, updating the courses that have changed. Generate a new pdf and get the appropriate signatures again. Once you have the updated program plan approved and signed by your Special Advisory Committee, provide it to the Thayer Registrar for final review and approval.

Potential reasons to update your program plan:

  • Class schedule changes or conflicts
  • You change your mind about a course or want to try something else
  • You receive a second LP grade (you may only count one LP for every six courses)

Requirements not listed on the program plan:

  • ENGG 700: Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research (first fall term)
  • ENGG 195: Seminar on Science, Technology & Society (28 seminars)
    PhD students enroll in ENGG 195 once at the beginning of your program. You will receive a temporary grade of “ON” (ongoing), which will be replaced by a grade of “CR” (credit) once you have attended the 28 required Jones Seminars.
  • ENGG 197 or ENGG 197.1: Professional Workshops
  • ENGG 194: PhD Oral Qualifier (in your fifth term)
    Note: It is not required that you finish all of your coursework before taking the oral qualifying exam.
  • ENGG 198: Research-in-Progress Workshop (annually)

Example form in DartHub

Example form in DartHub