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Jones Seminar: The Future of Second-Life Batteries on the Grid



3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium/Online

Optional ZOOM LINK
Meeting ID: 995 7165 4229
Passcode: 935041

It is an explicit objective of the Biden administration to decarbonize the US electric grid to 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035. This is to be done in ways that enable a resilient domestic value chain, create good-paying clean energy jobs, are economically efficient, promote the circular economy, enhance energy and national security and provide access to affordable energy for all. Batteries used in energy storage are fundamental to decarbonizing the electric grid by creating resiliency and reliability around an electric power system heavily reliant upon intermittent wind and solar production. To fully decarbonize the US power grid may require as much as 930 GW of energy storage according to NREL with the IEA projecting the combined mineral "demand-pull" of electric vehicle and battery storage requirements will have a 40x increase in lithium demand and 20–25x increase in graphite, cobalt and nickel.

Second-life batteries can help alleviate the cost and availability challenges while promoting a more efficient circular economy, decreasing the cost of energy storage and further improving the life-cycle environmental impact of batteries. According to McKinsey, the domestic supply of second life batteries from retired EV is expected to reach 40 GWh/year by 2030 with 25%+ annual growth thereafter. Although these batteries may no longer have the power and energy density needed for transportation, they remain well-suited to provide time shifting of renewables on the grid for many years. This seminar will give an overview of the opportunities and challenges in dealing with second-life batteries, propose architectural and algorithmic solutions and provide a long-term outlook on the future of second-life batteries.

Hosted by Professor Charlie Sullivan.

About the Speaker(s)

Anthony Stratakos
Co-founder & CEO, Element Energy

Anthony Stratakos

Anthony Stratakos is co-founder and CEO of Element Energy, a battery management technology company with focus on accelerating the energy transition in transportation and the grid. For nearly 30 years, Tony has been an entrepreneur and technology executive in the analog and power management semiconductor industry. In 1996, Tony founded Volterra Semiconductor, which went public in 2004 and was later acquired by Maxim Integrated. Tony served as SVP and CTO at Maxim before he formed Element. Tony earned a PhD in electrical engineering at UC Berkeley in 1998 where he collaborated closely with Thayer Professor Charlie Sullivan.


For more information, contact Amos Johnson at