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PhD Thesis Proposal: Mohsen Shahghasemi



10:00am - 11:30am ET

For info on how to attend this either in-person or via video conference, please email

"Design of ASIC Based Electrical Impedance Tomography Microendoscopic System for Prostate Cancer Surgical Marginal Assessment"


Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States. Surgery is a common treatment plan which is based on excising the cancerous section. Because there is no clear distinction between healthy and cancerous sections, surgery often leaves some cancerous tissue behind which is referred to as positive surgical margin requiring adjuvant treatment plans. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a low-cost low-form-factor method capable of performing as an intraoperative surgical margin assessment. Previous designs show the effectiveness of this modality but the bandwidth and number of electrodes seem to need improvements to help us get better distinguishability.

For this project, a 28 electrode system using an ASIC will be designed. The 28 electrode system will provide a 10 MHz bandwidth and a frame rate of 10 F/s. Signal integrity is a key element in this design and the system will be tested on a saline tank.

Thesis Committee

  • Prof. Kofi Odame (Chair)
  • Prof. Ryan Halter
  • Prof. Jason Stauth
  • Prof. Nick Van Helleputte (imec, Belgium)


For more information, contact Theresa Fuller at