All Thayer Events

Bridging Science & Care: The impact of tissue engineering on health



5:30pm - 6:30pm ET

Manchester, NH

Join Saint Anselm College's Center for Ethics in Society in welcoming Dartmouth Engineering professor Katie Hixon to discuss medical ethics and bioengineering.

Hixon will explore cutting-edge work in tissue engineering and scaffold development aimed at enhancing musculoskeletal health and orthopedic treatments. She will examine the real-world implications of this research for patients and the public, highlighting how recent advances in bioengineering present both opportunities and challenges for accessing new therapies. Additionally, Hixon will address the bioethical questions that arise in this field and share insights on navigating responsible innovation in healthcare.

Location: Spotlight Room at the Palace Theater, 96 Hanover St, Manchester, NH 03101

Light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres provided.


About the Speaker(s)

Katie Hixon
Assistant Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth

Katie Hixon is an accomplished researcher and educator at Dartmouth, where she serves as both an assistant professor of engineering and a clinical assistant professor of orthopaedics. She is the principal investigator at the Hixon Lab which is focused on developing innovative treatments to support healing in patients where tissue repair is challenging, particularly large and complex injuries from disease or traumatic injury.

With a focus on developing innovative therapies, such as using Manuka honey, which has natural antibacterial properties, Professor Hixon's research utilizes orthopedic and craniofacial models to drive breakthroughs in musculoskeletal health. Her work seeks to enhance healing processes and improve the quality of life for patients facing these complex challenges. Through her commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge research, Hixon is making significant contributions to the fields of engineering and orthopaedics.


For more information, contact Max Latona at