ENGM 189.10 - Medical Device Commercialization (.5 credit)


This course is designed to expose students to the specialized business frameworks and essential tools for successful translation of biomedical technologies from the lab (concept) to the market (clinic) that are needed by medical device innovators and managers. The curriculum is intended to provide an overview of the process used to assess the commercial viability and potential business opportunity for innovative medical devices. Course content is based on the Concept to Clinic: Commercializing Innovation (C3i) Program offered by the NIH. Teams of 2-3 students will work to develop a commercialization plan for an innovative medical device of their choosing or one provided by the course instructors. Weekly lectures on topics ranging from business validation to regulatory strategies to reimbursement approaches will be followed by team presentations that define how each team proposes to navigate these aspects of medical device commercialization.


Graduate standing in engineering or business administration.


ENGM 189.1 runs for the first five weeks of the term offered and follows the Tuck term schedule, beginning the week of September 5 for Fall 2023. It is followed by partner course ENGM 189.2 for the second five weeks of the term offered. Two classes per week, 5 weeks total. This course carries .5 credit. Cannot be used to satisfy any AB degree requirements.


Location / Method
Term: Fall 2023
Time: Mon/Tues 1:15-2:45 PM

ECSC 041


Keith D. Paulsen

Term: Fall 2024
Time: M/T 1:15 - 2:45pm

Keith D. Paulsen

Ryan J. Halter