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ENGM 179.20 - Organizational Behavior


Organizations are complex social systems that bring together tasks, structures, people and culture. Their success depends on people interacting within this system to achieve common goals. This course will provide you with conceptual frameworks for increasing individual, team, and organizational performance. More specific learning goals include: a) to increase your knowledge about individual, interpersonal and group behavior in complex organizations; b) to increase your awareness of your own and others’ assumptions, motivations, attitudes, values, emotions and behavior in human interaction; c) to increase your skill in diagnosing the structural and behavioral antecedents of destructive behavior in organizations, and prescribing effective action to remedy those problems; and d) to manage this complex system in service of achieving strategic goals. We will address these goals by learning about the underlying psychological and sociological foundations of human behavior and will engage in case study discussions and interactive exercises to help you build effective leadership skills.


Location / Method
Term: Fall 2024
Time: W/Th 3:30 - 5:00pm

Rosenwald (Tuck)


Tuck Faculty