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ENGG 321.10 - Advanced Innovation and Entrepreneurship I


This course is the first in a two-course series (ENGG 321.1 and ENGG 321.2) which serves as the capstone course of the PhD Innovation Programs and provides students with knowledge about the process of commercializing a new technology. In ENGG 321.1 during the winter term, students meet on a weekly basis to discuss a variety of reading assignments in innovation and enterprise building. This serves as preparation for ENGG 321.2, in which students choose a technology to commercialize, preferably from their own dissertation research efforts and develop a full enterprise plan for commercialization of the technology. At the completion of the ENGG 321.1 term, a grade of ON (Ongoing) is assigned. Upon satisfactory completion of ENGG 321.2, the ON grade will be updated to CR (credit).


ENGM 180, ENGM 187, ENGM 188, instructor permission required for students outside the PhD Innovation program.


Students in the PhD Innovation Program normally take the two-term course ENGG 321.1 and 321.2 during the fourth year of their PhD program when their research is sufficiently advanced to have identified a new technology for possible commercialization. The course is open to any PhD student who has completed the prerequisite courses. ENGG 321.1 and ENGG 321.2 each carry a full credit, but both terms must be taken for credit to be earned. At the completion of the ENGG 321.1 term, a grade of ON (Ongoing) is assigned. At the completion of the ENGG 321.2 term, a final grade (i.e. HP, P, LP, NC) is assigned. Upon earning a passing grade in ENGG 321.2, the student’s ON grade for ENGG 321.1 is updated to CR (credit). Due to the nature of the course and time commitment expected, students enrolled in ENGG 321.1 are expected to concurrently enroll in full-time research (three credits) or the equivalent combination of course work and research. Students enrolled in ENGG 321.2 are expected to concurrently enroll in two credits of research, or the equivalent combination of course work and research, to balance the additional time commitment of the course in the second term. During one term of the same academic year that the students take ENGG 321, the students may act as faculty assistants for ENGS 21 or ENGS 89/90 to gain experience in guiding and/or evaluating teams of students engaged in projects.


Location / Method
Term: Winter 2025
Time: Arrange

Eric R. Fossum