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ENGG 199.16 - Wearable Electronics


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the knowledge and skills required for developing clinical-grade wearable devices. It is divided into six modules: thermal sensing, mechanoacoustic sensing, electrophysiological sensing, optoelectronic sensing, and integration towards wireless soft wearables, culminating in a final project. Each of the first five modules covers fundamental sensing principles, sensor design, communication with microcontrollers, wireless data transmission, firmware coding, data processing algorithms, and includes a hands-on lab session. In the final project, students will propose, design, and manufacture a clinical-grade wearable device tailored to a specific medical application. The course balances theoretical foundations with practical experience in developing wearable medical technologies. In this course, we have minimal circuit design; instead, we focus on system-level integration of hardware (sensors, microcontrollers, and soft encapsulation materials), firmware, and software for real-world applications.


ENGS 28 and ENGS 32, or graduate student standing


Location / Method
Term: Winter 2025
Time: 10

Cummings 118


Wei Ouyang