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ENGG 199.14 - High Frequency and Switching Electronic Circuits


High-frequency circuits that rely on switching processes are pervasive in modern electronic systems – from computing and communications to consumer electronics, biomedical circuits, and renewable energy. While most courses teach analog (linearized small signal) or digital (binary logic) perspectives, it is increasingly important to understand the modelling and use cases for large-signal switched-mode operation of modern complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistors and circuits. This class will provide a unified perspective on switched-mode circuit operation that can be used across a wide range of electronic disciplines from high-speed digital CMOS design to basic radio-frequency (RF) wireless circuits, data conversion, and power management circuit blocks. Transistor-level circuit models will consider the unique properties of switching devices to develop a unified perspective that can be applied in a wide range of circuit design disciplines. Cadence IC design tools will be used to extract model parameters from devices in a real semiconductor foundry process design kit (PDK). These models will be used to design and optimize digital logic blocks using a ‘logical effort’ framework, high-frequency DC-DC converters based on conventional buck-boost, switched capacitor (SC), and hybrid-resonant switched-capacitor converters, and radio frequency power amplifiers (RF PAs) for modern wireless standards.


ENGS 61 and one of ENGS 125 or ENGS 126 (or instructor permission)


Location / Method
Term: Winter 2024
Time: 10

ECSC 009


Jason T. Stauth