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ENGG 199.03 - High-Frequency Magnetics Design


One of the fundamental advantages of power electronics is the ability to use high frequencies. Simple theory predicts that the physical size, weight and cost of transformers and inductors can be scaled down inversely proportional to the switching frequency, with losses also reduced. However various high-frequency effects in both magnetic cores and in windings rapidly increase power losses at higher frequencies. These effects limit the performance of power converters operating at conventional frequencies and limit the potential for increased frequency to yield further improvements. The course will begin with a review of magnetics modeling and design to establish approaches and terminology to be used throughout the course. The core of the class will develop students’ knowledge and skill in applying best-practice techniques for high-frequency magnetics design through both theoretical analysis and practical design. Selected recent and current research in modeling, design, and fabrication will be examined in detail, including self-resonant passive components. Finally, applications to wireless power transfer will be studied.


ENGS 125 or permission of instructor


Location / Method
Term: Fall 2024
Time: Arrange

Charles R. Sullivan