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Seven Honored with 2013-14 Dartmouth Alumni Awards

Jun 07, 2013   |   by Deborah Klenotic   |   Office of Alumni Relations

Seven alumni have been chosen by the Alumni Council to receive 2013-14 alumni awards including Ken Johansen '60, Th'62 and E. Stina Brock '01, Th'02.

Johansen is one of four to receive the Dartmouth Alumni Award, which was established in 1954 to recognize long-standing and meritorious service to the College, career achievement, and other community service.

Brock is one of three to receive the Dartmouth Young Alumni Distinguished Service Award. Established in 1990, this award recognizes breadth, depth, and length of volunteer involvement.

The seven honorees will receive their awards at an Alumni Awards Gala which will be celebrated with the Dartmouth Alumni Council on October 25 in Hanover.

Ken Johansen '60, '62Th

Life and career: Johansen was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and earned an AB and BME in engineering from Dartmouth and Thayer School of Engineering. He is retired from International Paper Company after a successful 40-year career in paper manufacturing. His community service includes 18 years on the Montvale (New Jersey) School Board, serving as chief negotiator with the teachers' union, president, and vice president. While living in Texas from 1999 to 2007, Johansen and his wife, Ruth, were installed as parish lay ministers by the Lutheran Synod Bishop; since moving to Orange Park, Florida, in 2007, they've served as deacons. The Johansens have two daughters, Karen and Katherine.

For Dartmouth: Johansen served on the Alumni Council from 2003 to 2006 and has been treasurer, vice president, and president of the Dartmouth Club of Dallas. Since 1990, he's served almost continually in class leadership positions—as executive committee member, as DCF class agent, and as class president. He also led the Dartmouth Class Presidents Association.

Tip of the hat: "While I was class president, we began fundraising for our 50th reunion, held in 2010, more than two years in advance. We assembled a committee of 10 classmates who worked long and hard with the DCF staff, and we achieved record-breaking results. Our team raised over $4 million, with over 93 percent class participation. When we presented our check to President Kim at our reunion dinner, the whoops and hollers from the crowd were fantastic."

You know you bleed Green when: "The Dartmouth football team has a losing season. Still, you remain a fan."

E. Stina Brock '01, '02Th

E. Stina Brock
E. Stina Brock ’01 Th’02. (Photo by Kathryn LoConte Lapierre.)

Life and career: Brock earned an AB and BE in engineering and economics from Dartmouth and Thayer. She earned an MSEE in power engineering from the University of Washington. At Dartmouth she played soccer; was a member of Alpha Xi Delta; and was active in the Women in Science Project, among other organizations. An expert in energy markets, grid technology and operations, and energy storage, Brock is the director of product management at Sunverge Energy. Previously, she led product marketing and development at Primus Power, an energy storage startup, and managed program operations at EnerNOC, a smart grid industry leader. Brock lives in San Francisco with her husband, Sean Stauth '01. They recently became brand-new parents.

For Dartmouth: Brock is very active with the Dartmouth Club of Greater San Francisco, serving on its board of directors. She previously led the Dartmouth Club of Western Washington as vice president. She was a member of the Alumni Council, and served on the Class of 2001 fifth and 10th reunion committees.

Tip of the hat: "Connecting with prospective students through DCGSF activities has been especially rewarding. High school students in the Bay Area don't always think of Dartmouth, especially for engineering, because it's not as well known as some California programs. Thanks to our excellent district enrollment directors, almost all students who apply to Dartmouth are able to have an alumni interview. Also, we've held several admit parties and collaborate with Thayer on informational events for high school students. Alumni here are important recruiters for Dartmouth; we're the face of the College for many prospective students."

You know you bleed Green when: "You're already teaching your daughter the Alma Mater, even though she's only three weeks old, so she can be ready when she enrolls as part of the Class of 2035."

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