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Professor Amro M. Farid Receives 2021 Fulbright Scholar Award to Australia

Apr 23, 2021   |   by Julie Bonette

Amro M. Farid, associate professor of engineering at Dartmouth and research affiliate in the department of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been named a 2021 Fulbright Future Scholar to Australia.

Farid is specifically being recognized for his project, "Architecting Australia’s Nexus Infrastructure of Energy, Water & Hydrogen (ANIEWH)," which is designed to contribute to the Australian government's 2022 National Hydrogen Infrastructure Assessment. The country's assessment is expected to examine energy supply chain needs in order to upgrade or provide new infrastructure for electricity and gas networks, water supply networks, refueling stations, roads, rails, and ports.

"Australia is one of the leading nations in the global sustainable energy transition. This project seeks to develop the methods to architect Australia's nexus infrastructure of energy, water, and hydrogen, presenting a formidable opportunity to 'plan it right' before billions of dollars of capital infrastructure are spent and the clock of global climate change has ticked beyond a tipping point."

Professor Amro Farid

Professor Amro Farid

"I'm excited to collaborate with colleagues at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Australian National University to produce research foundations for the assessment," said Farid.

As a faculty member at Dartmouth, Farid leads the Laboratory for Intelligent Integrated Networks of Engineering Systems (LIINES), and has made active contributions to the MIT-Masdar Institute Collaborative Initiative, the MIT Future of the Electricity Grid Study, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) Vision for Smart Grid Controls.

Farid received his bachelor's and master's in mechanical engineering from MIT, and a PhD in engineering from the University of Cambridge. He is a senior member of IEEE, where he chairs several committees, and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer's Dynamics Systems & Control Division. He has also co-authored three books.

The Fulbright Program, the largest and most diverse international educational exchange program, is the flagship program sponsored by the US government and is designed to forge lasting connections between the people of the United States and the people of other countries, counter misunderstandings, and help people and nations work together toward common goals. The Fulbright Future Scholar award is designated for exemplary full and associate faculty whose work has made a tangible impact.

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