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Portraits of Leadership: 2013 Student Marshals

Jun 10, 2013   |   by Chidi Anyadike '13   |   Dartmouth Now

Marshals are selected by fellow students on the basis of good citizenship, enthusiasm, integrity, and positive impact on others. The Marshals carry batons engraved with their names as they lead their classmates to the Green during the Commencement procession.

Sharang Biswas

Sharang Biswas '12, Th'13

Hometown: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates & New Delhi, India
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Biswas studied abroad in Toulouse, France and also in Hamburg, Germany on an engineering exchange with Helmut-Schmidt University. He worked as a game design intern at Dartmouth’s Tiltfactor Laboratory and as a teaching assistant for the Rassias Foundation’s Accelerated Language Program in French. Biswas was awarded a first-year summer research grant to study pottery exchange in early Mexico, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Superfund Research fellowship to study toxic metal chemistry. Later research projects included the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship. After graduation, Biswas plans to work in the areas of art, design, and technology.

Joseph Zabinski

Joseph Zabinski '13

Hometown: Latham, N.Y.
Degree: Master of Engineering Management
Zabinski traveled to Vienna, Austria, on a Fulbright research scholarship after graduating from Boston College in 2010 with majors in physics and German studies. Since finishing his degree last fall, he has been working as a strategic operations analyst at Babcock Power, Inc., in Danvers, Mass. In August, he will matriculate at the Georgia Institute of Technology to pursue a PhD in industrial and systems engineering.

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