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Neukom Research Prize Winner

Jun 16, 2020   |   The Neukom Institute

The Neukom Research Prizes were created to encourage undergraduate and graduate interest in research and to recognize outstanding research in the computational sciences.

This year's winners included:

1st Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Computational Science

How are Patients Moving Outside of the Clinic? Categorizing Activities using Remotely Captured Wearable Data and Machine Learning

Megan McCabe

Megan McCabe '20 Th'20, Advisor: Douglas Van Citters

Wearable sensors were leveraged to develop two methods for computing hip joint angles and moments during walking and stair ascent that are more portable than the gold standard. The Insole-Standard (I-S) approach replaced force plates with force-measuring insoles and achieved results that match the curvature of results from similar studies. Peaks in I-S kinetic results are high due to error induced by applying the ground reaction force to the talus. The Wearable-ANN (W-A) approach combines wearables with artificial neural networks to compute the same results. Compared against the I-S, the W-A approach performs well (average rRMSE = 18%, R2 0.77).

Chapman, RM, McCabe, MV, & Van Citters, DW. What are Patients Doing Outside the Clinic? Categorizing Activities using Remotely Captured Wearable Data and Machine Learning. ASME J Biomech Eng. Under Review.

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