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Lone Pine Excellence Award Honors Thayer Registrar

May 07, 2020   |   Dartmouth News

The winners of the Lone Pine Excellence Awards for 2019 represent six different programs from across campus.

The Lone Pine Recognition program includes its flagship Sheila Culbert Distinguished Employee Service Award, and five awards honoring individuals' and teams' outstanding contributions to Dartmouth in the categories of collaboration; passion and commitment; innovation; leadership; and unsung hero.

Daryl Laware headshot
Daryl Laware, Registrar

The recipients were selected from among a pool of 55 nominees.

The Unsung Hero Award, for going above and beyond without fanfare and being willing to fill in wherever needed to help one's colleagues and Dartmouth, is presented to Daryl Laware, the registrar at Thayer School of Engineering.

Reflecting on Laware's 40-year tenure at Thayer, her co-workers say she is the "go-to person when you need to know anything about students or courses," and note her many responsibilities and achievements, including overseeing key projects and events for the engineering school. They also highlight her kindness, accuracy, and equanimity.

"It would not be an overstatement to say that much of Thayer's success has been due to Daryl's careful and constant oversight and guidance," one colleague says. "Daryl is certainly my hero, and I am awed by how well she has kept Thayer on a very even keel over the many years."

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