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Paris Conference: Pair of cyclists approaches city in time for climate summit after 5 month journey

Dartmouth engineer Morgan Curtis ’14 pedalled through Canada, Scandanavia and western Europe on her way to the climate change conference in Paris.

Nov 05, 2015

The Conversation

Here are some more reasons why liberal arts matter

Dartmouth engineering professor Peter Robbie is quoted on why liberal education is so critical to engineering training.

Nov 05, 2015


The startup craze has alumni writing checks for entrepreneurs instead of libraries

Dartmouth is cited for its not-for-profit investment fund started by alumnus John Ballard '55 TTh'56 to fund companies founded by professors and students.

Nov 04, 2015

The Conversation

Do liberal arts students learn how to collaborate?

A Dartmouth professor of film and media studies responds with illustrative examples from Thayer School.

Nov 02, 2015

MIT Technology Review

Antivirus That Mimics the Brain Could Catch More Malware

Dartmouth engineering professor George Cybenko is quoted on deep learning virus detection systems.

Nov 02, 2015

US News

Flying to N.Y. or D.C.? Get Ready to Pay the 'Babysitters'

Professor Vikrant Vaze is quoted about how airlines play the system of takeoff and landing slots to block the competition at America's busiest airports.

Oct 20, 2015

Alaska Dispatch News

Microplastics found in waters off Svalbard

Professor Rachel Obbard is cited for her finding of numerous types of bright-colored plastic bits embedded in sea ice.

Oct 19, 2015

Magnetically controlled battery could store energy for power grids

Dartmouth engineering professor Weiyang (Fiona) Li and her team have built a battery containing a magnetic fluid that can be moved in any direction by applying a magnetic field.

Oct 19, 2015

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