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NH Union Leader

$2M grant puts Dartmouth's DoseOptics on the fast track

Lebanon-based startup, founded by professors Brian Pogue and Scott Davis Th’08, is developing technology capable of real-time imaging of radiation therapy to cancer patients during treatment.

Oct 24, 2016

The Dartmouth

Arts explores: Thayer machine shop 3-D printers

Of the many technologies at the Thayer School of Engineering Machine Shop, the 3-D printer stands out in the way it attracts students from all disciplines to explore new ideas in design.

Oct 17, 2016

BioMed Central

The food versus biofuels debate

Lee Rybeck Lynd from Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth explains more about the food vs fuel debate.

Oct 14, 2016

Valley News

Dartmouth Startup DoseOptics Gets $2 Million Grant From NIH

Founded by engineering professors Brian Pogue and Scott Davis and Thayer alumnus William Ware, the company was set up to translate discoveries in cancer imaging and therapy into commercial applications.

Oct 06, 2016


NIH awards DoseOptics another $2 million to improve radiotherapy safety

The SBIR grant for DoseOptics, founded by professors Brian Pogue and Scott Davis Th’08, brings the NH startup’s total to $3.4 million.

Oct 05, 2016

IEEE Spectrum

How a Robot Football Player Will Prevent Concussions

Elliot Kastner '13 Th'14 '15 tells the story of MVP and how the robot can stand in for American football players and take the tackles.

Oct 04, 2016

The Dartmouth

HackDartmouth hosts over 200 competitors

Over 200 students participated in the third iteration of Dartmouth’s 24-hour hackathon hosted by Thayer.

Oct 03, 2016

The Dartmouth

Plan invests in west campus

The College announced a plan to expand and reconstruct the west side of Dartmouth including a joint engineering and computer science building.

Oct 03, 2016

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