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George Cybenko, the Dorothy and Walter Gramm Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth, was the final speaker of the afternoon. (photo courtesy National Press Club/Nathan Mitchell)
I3P Program, Founded at Dartmouth, Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Oct 25, 2012 | by Keith Chapman | Dartmouth Now

Representatives from 28 member institutions gathered this month at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P). I3P, founded at Dartmouth in 2002, is a federally funded consortium of universities, laboratories, and non-profit organizations that conduct cyber security research...
...Over the past decade, I3P has worked to build communication between academic, industrial, and governmental agencies, while developing technologies to address infrastructure vulnerabilities. During the festivities last week, 12 speakers talked about about how I3P had affected their research and professional lives, and what challenges lie ahead for the organization. Tony Stramella, special assistant to the director at the National Security Agency’s Threat Operations Center, gave the keynote address.
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