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Dartmouth to Award Six Honorary Degrees at Commencement

Jun 01, 2018   |   by Bill Platt   |   Dartmouth News

Dartmouth will recognize six accomplished women and men [including Thayer board member Peter M. Fahey ’68 Th’69 ’70] with honorary degrees at the 2018 commencement on Sunday, June 10, on the Green.

Peter M. Fahey ’68 Th’69 ’70 (Doctor of Humane Letters)

Corporate executive, Dartmouth trustee, Thayer board member, and president of the Class of 1968

Peter Fahey

Peter Fahey ’68 Th’69 ’70 joined the corporate finance department of Goldman Sachs in 1975, becoming a partner in 1982. Since his retirement in 1993, Fahey has been a member of the Board of Advisors at Thayer School of Engineering; a member of the Dartmouth College Board of Trustees; co-chair of the Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience; trustee/director of the Goldman Sachs Bank, Goldman Sachs Foundation, Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund, and Goldman Sachs Charitable Gift Fund; chair of the Friends of Dartmouth Basketball; and president of the Class of 1968, which is celebrating its 50-year reunion this year and will be honored at commencement.

At Dartmouth, Fahey majored in chemistry, participated in varsity basketball and track and field, was president of Phi Delta Alpha fraternity, and was a member of Sphinx senior society. The summer after graduation in 1968, he married Helen Dalidowicz, a 1967 graduate of Skidmore College. They stayed in Hanover for two years at Thayer, where Fahey received BE and ME degrees in 1969 and 1970, respectively. After a brief career as a scientist, he attended Harvard Business School, receiving an MBA in 1975 as a Baker Scholar. Over the years, Peter and Helen raised four children, all Dartmouth graduates.

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