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Dartmouth Engineering Professor Elected OSA Fellow

Jan 30, 2013   |   The Optical Society

Dartmouth engineering professor Brian Pogue is one of 72 members of The Optical Society (OSA) elevated to rank of fellow—an honor reserved for no more than 10% of members who have "served with distinction in the advancement of optics." Specifically, Pogue was elected for contributions to optical tomography and spectroscopy of breast cancer and advancement of optical diffusion modeling software for tissue spectroscopy and imaging.

Pogue serves as Professor of Engineering, of Surgery, and of Physics and Astronomy. In this video, he discusses optics in medicine research at Dartmouth:

About OSA Fellows

OSA Fellows are selected based on their overall impact on optics, as gauged through factors such as specific scientific, engineering, and technological contributions, a record of significant publications or patents related to optics, technical leadership in the field, and service to OSA and the global optics community. Drawing from nominations from current Fellows, OSA’s Fellow Members Committee recommends candidates to the Board of Directors. This process is highly competitive, as the number of OSA Members recommended for election to Fellow each year is limited to less than 0.5 percent of the total OSA Membership.

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