Dartmouth and Partner Launch EdX Course on C Programming
Jun 21, 2018 | Dartmouth News
The course is for anyone interested in learning how to code, and offers a professional certificate.
Dartmouth and Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) of France today are announcing the launch of a new professional certificate program on the edX platform in C Programming—a foundational computer language widely used to build computer applications, operating systems, and supercomputers—with Linux, the software that runs a majority of servers today.
This professional certificate, jointly developed by Dartmouth and IMT, establishes a partnership to provide new interactive learning tools to anyone interested in gaining an extensive foundation in C programming and Linux OS. With the skills learned in the course, learners will be on their way to careers involving computer engineering or computer science. All courses are free; there is a charge for participants who want to pursue the professional certificate.
The professional certificate, says Dartmouth Learning Designer Michael Goudzwaard, is for “anyone who is interested in learning how to code, from high school students to engineering professionals. No experience is necessary, and you don’t need to install anything to get started.”
“Dartmouth and IMT are the first members of the EdX Consortium to offer a joint professional certificate on edx.org. We are thrilled to have two expert educators, Petra Bonfert-Taylor from Thayer School of Engineering and Rémi Sharrock from IMT appearing together in this interactive programming certificate,” says Goudzwaard.