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Christine DeLorenzo, Sanket Bulsara: Weddings

Aug 17, 2011   |   The New York Times

Christine DeLorenzo and Sanket Jayshukh Bulsara were married Saturday at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bloomfield, Staten Island. Msgr. Guy A. Massie, a Roman Catholic priest, officiated, and A. V. Srinivasan, a Hindu priest, participated in a ceremony incorporating Catholic and Hindu traditions.
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Dr. DeLorenzo, 33, is keeping her name. She is an assistant professor of clinical neurobiology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She graduated from Dartmouth and received a master’s in biomedical engineering there. She also received a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Yale. She is a daughter of Loretta M. DeLorenzo and Thomas A. DeLorenzo II of Brooklyn.

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